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发布时间:2018-04-05 22:21

  本文选题:成都市 切入点:农林专业 出处:《四川农业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of reform and opening-up, the need for higher education is growing, college enrollment and graduate employment market system has been gradually established. The employment situation of college students is becoming more and more serious, occupation orientation of contemporary college students are undergoing fundamental change, because of the gap between ideal and reality, leading to the employment psychological problems of college students because of supply and demand is increasingly significant. The contradiction between increasing forestry college graduates employment pressure is also increasing. Therefore, study on the factors of professional forestry Graduates Psychological Characteristics and influence, to further strengthen the student employment, will be of great significance to employment psychological health education. This article through the literature material method, interview method, questionnaire survey and comparison analysis and other research methods, comprehensively carry out professional forestry Graduates Psychological Characteristics and influence factors The study, in order to better guide the College of forestry graduates employment and employment to provide some suggestions and methods to prevent abnormal graduates psychology. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction, on the theoretical basis, research status and research contents, research methods, technical route to make paper. The second part is the related concepts and theories, it is divided into two sections, one is to explain the related concepts, including employment, employment psychology and career values; the two is on the theoretical basis of introduction, including motivation theory, hierarchy of needs theory, career motivation theory and self-efficacy theory. The third part is the employment psychology investigation of Chengdu city forestry graduates. The survey results show that the wage level and degree of stability are the main factors influencing forestry graduates occupation choice. From the wage level Say, more professional forestry graduates tend to large and medium-sized city: from the stability, more graduates prefer institutions and government agencies. The fourth part mainly from the personality dimension, cognitive dimension, emotional dimension and social psychological aspects and so on, urban forestry and professional graduates choose unhealthy psychological status of occupation analysis. The fifth part is the analysis of Chengdu city agricultural professional graduates psychological characteristics and causes. The analysis found that the influence of psychological factors of college students, including the occupation value orientation, personal characteristics and job readiness and other subjective factors, including the influence of family, school and social environment and other objective factors. The sixth part is the main according to the fifth part, employment psychological counseling and puts forward some suggestions on the Chengdu municipal forestry graduates, think that in order to effectively solve the agricultural The psychological problems of employment of graduates from the forest, should strengthen the education and guidance of students' psychological adjustment. Professional forestry is relatively special, and graduates of the specialty can normally play and play in promoting China's agricultural development, to ensure national food security, national security and stability is of great significance. The rapid growth of the number of college graduates, the employment pressure increases, prone to employment psychological burden. As universities and government departments, to strengthen the employment psychology of graduates of professional forestry guidance, according to the professional characteristics and psychological characteristics of agriculture and forestry graduates, timely and targeted guidance. As a graduate, in the face of the pressure of employment and employment conflicts, we must learn to self adjustment. In short, the forestry graduates employment psychological problems serious analysis, strengthen The guidance of industry psychology will be beneficial to the smooth employment of agroforestry graduates, and also provide some reference for students' employment guidance and mental health education in Colleges and universities.



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