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发布时间:2018-04-06 05:01

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:跨文化能力 出处:《外语教学与研究》2013年04期

[Abstract]:This study is based on the theory of Byram's evaluation model of cross-cultural competence, taking Chinese college students as subjects, and conducting an empirical investigation on its cross-cultural competence dimension and evaluation scale.This paper systematically and comprehensively analyzes the consciousness, attitude, knowledge, skills and other dimensions in the formation of Chinese college students' cross-cultural competence, and carries out exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.Thus, a Chinese college student ICC evaluation scale with good reliability and validity is constructed. The scale includes six main factors: native cultural knowledge, foreign cultural knowledge, attitude, cross-cultural communication skills, cross-cultural cognitive skills, and awareness.The results show that the localization ICC evaluation scale for Chinese college students has been proved to be reliable and effective in the actual measurement.The cross-cultural ability of Chinese college students is multi-dimensional.The effect of the six factors on Chinese college students' intercultural competence is different, in which foreign cultural knowledge is the strongest, intercultural communication skills is the second, and national cultural knowledge and attitude are the middle.The influence of cross-cultural cognitive skills is weak, and cross-cultural awareness is the weakest.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学外国语学院;武汉理工大学外语学院;
【基金】:樊葳葳主持的国家社科基金一般项目“中国大学生跨文化能力综合评价研究”(10BYY091) 彭仁忠主持的湖北省高等学校省级教学研究项目“培养理工科大学生跨文化能力的课程体系研究”阶段性成果


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