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发布时间:2018-04-06 07:03

  本文选题:地方高校 切入点:教师分型 出处:《山西大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着我国对教育的投入与支持越来越大,国家和各级地方政府对地方高校的发展也越来越重视。抓住机遇,推进地方高校快速发展,一个很重要的方面在于提高地方高校内部管理水平。作为地方高校内部管理的关键环节,地方高校教师绩效评价活动的开展显得尤为重要。 本文共分为以下四个部分: 第一部分,在吸收国内外高校教师绩效评价相关理论的基础上,分析了现有研究存在的不足之处,探讨了本研究需要运用的研究方法,说明了地方高校教师分型分级的概念。 第二部分,阐明了地方高校教师绩效评价涉及到的相关理论,针对地方高校的特殊性,提出了地方高校教师绩效评价应遵循以下原则:以教师发展为目的的原则、定性与定量相结合的原则、增量与存量相结合的原则、绩效评价适度的原则、调节学科差异性的原则和体现地方高校特殊性的原则。 第三部分,立足于地方高校教师绩效评价理念和原则,根据国家和高校对教师分型分级的指导意见,本研究分别对科研为主型、教学科研型和教学为主型教师构建指标结构,并对各级指标进行权重分配,得到绩效评价指标体系。 第四部分,对应于所建立的评价体系的指标,搜集和整理了某一地方高校教师的相关数据。本研究承认高校教师绩效评价过程中学科差异性这一问题的存在,初步探讨了学科差异性的调节方法,提出了教师绩效评价的计算方法。运用这些计算方法,对搜集和整理的教师数据进行实证研究,得出该地方高校教师绩效评价的结果。对评价结果进行分析和比较,验证评价体系的建立是否科学合理。在此基础上,讨论了本研究取得的突破和存在的不足之处,对后续研究提供相关研究设想。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing investment and support of education in China, the national and local governments at all levels pay more and more attention to the development of local colleges and universities.To seize the opportunity and promote the rapid development of local colleges and universities, an important aspect is to improve the internal management level of local colleges and universities.As a key link in the internal management of local colleges and universities, it is particularly important to carry out the performance evaluation activities of teachers in local colleges and universities.This paper is divided into the following four parts:The first part, on the basis of absorbing the relevant theories of teachers' performance evaluation at home and abroad, analyzes the shortcomings of the existing research, probes into the research methods that need to be used in this study, and explains the concept of teacher classification and classification in local colleges and universities.In the second part, the related theories of teacher performance evaluation in local colleges and universities are expounded. According to the particularity of local colleges and universities, the following principles should be followed in the performance evaluation of teachers in local colleges and universities: the principle aiming at the development of teachers.The principle of combination of qualitative and quantitative, increment and stock, the principle of moderate performance evaluation, the principle of regulating the discipline difference and the principle of reflecting the particularity of local colleges and universities.The third part, based on the concept and principle of teachers' performance evaluation in local colleges and universities, according to the guidance of the state and universities to the classification and classification of teachers, this study respectively constructs the index structure for the teachers of scientific research, teaching and research and teaching.And the weight distribution of indicators at all levels, the performance evaluation index system.The fourth part, corresponding to the index of the evaluation system, collects and collates the relevant data of a local university teacher.This study acknowledges the existence of discipline difference in the process of teacher performance evaluation in colleges and universities, discusses the adjustment method of discipline difference, and puts forward the calculation method of teacher performance evaluation.By using these calculation methods, this paper makes an empirical study on the teachers' data collected and collated, and obtains the results of teachers' performance evaluation in the local colleges and universities.The evaluation results are analyzed and compared to verify whether the establishment of the evaluation system is scientific and reasonable.On this basis, the breakthrough and shortcomings of this study are discussed.


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