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发布时间:2018-04-06 22:31

  本文选题:个案 切入点:全过程 出处:《法学》2013年04期

【摘要】:正"个案全过程教学法"在提高学生实务能力方面具有较大的推广价值。现通过与国际上主要案例教学模式的功能比较,结合我国的国情,就"个案全过程教学法"的特色以及在我国法学实务性教学中的推广和应用做些探讨。一、当今世界案例教学的主要模式与发展趋势在法学的实践性教学中,当今世界影响最大的案例教学模式主要是以美国为代表的"个案教学法"和以德国为代表的"实例研习",以及起源于美国并风靡全球的法律诊所教育。美国案例教学的主要模式——"个案教学法"(Case method)是由著名法学家、哈佛法学院前院长朗代尔(Langdell)教授于1870年初创立的。虽然从朗代尔时期开始,"个案教学法"就不断地遭受来自批
[Abstract]:Case-whole-process teaching method has great value in improving students' practical ability.By comparing the functions of the main case teaching models in the world and combining the national conditions of our country, this paper probes into the characteristics of the "case teaching method" and its popularization and application in the practical teaching of law in our country.First, the main models and development trends of case teaching in the world today are in the practical teaching of law.Nowadays, the most influential case teaching models in the world are the case teaching method represented by the United States and the case study represented by Germany, as well as the law clinic education which originated in the United States and swept the world.Case method, the main mode of case teaching in the United States, was founded in early 1870 by a famous jurist, Professor Langdell Langdell, former dean of Harvard Law School.Although since Langdale's time, the "case teaching method" has been subjected to criticism from time to time.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学法学院;


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