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发布时间:2018-04-06 23:36

  本文选题:内蒙古大学生 切入点:创业支持 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生毕业后自主创业是高等教育规模不断扩大后解决就业问题的一个途径,从而引起政府、高校和学校各界的高度重视。为鼓励大学生创业,政府不断出台更加细致的鼓励大学生创业的优惠政策,,高校通过开设创业课程、设立创业基金,各地设立大学生创业园、创业孵化基地,尽量从各个方面支持、鼓励大学生创业,不断完善创业环境。 内蒙古地区近年来经济不断增长,大学生毕业后创业人数不断增加,自治区及各盟市政府不断出台各类扶持政策鼓励大学生创业,然而,内蒙古大学生创业仍然存在成功率不高、创业困难多等问题。本文通过分析内蒙古地区大学生创业环境及支持情况,发现内蒙古地区大学生创业存在政策可操作性不强、贷款担保基金不足等一系列政策支持、资金支持、创业教育方面的问题,针对这些问题本文提出完善内蒙古地区大学生创业支持体系的对策建议。 论文分为引言、大学生创业支持体系概述、内蒙古地区大学生创业支持体系现状分析、完善内蒙古地区大学生创业支持体系的建议、结语五部分。引言部分介绍了论文的研究背景及论文的研究意义,论文采用的研究方法;第二部分论述了大学生创业概念、创业支持体系的内容等。 第三部分、第四部分是论文的重点部分。第三部分从政策支持、资金支持、创业教育、服务支持四个方面分析内蒙古各盟市对于大学生创业的支持内容,以及通辽地区对于大学生创业给予了怎样的支持;总结出内蒙古地区大学生创业支持存在政策可操作性不强,贷款担保基金不足,创业培训及补贴政策未全面落实,创业教育体系不完善等问题。 第四部分针对内蒙古地区大学创业支持体系中出现的问题,提出几点完善建议:树立把培养大学生自主创业人才纳入全区人才工作总体规划中的思路;提出进一步落实扶持政策;以完善学校创业教育体系为基础,开展多种形式创业教育;加强阵地建设,努力搭建引导青年就业创业平台;强化帮扶措施;拓宽咨询指导渠道,在论述中结合了青岛市对大学生创业支持的有效举措,力求建议的可行性和合理性。最后结论对内蒙古地区创业支持体系进行总结,提出论文研究的不足之处及论述内容有待改进之处。
[Abstract]:It is a way for college students to solve the employment problem after the expansion of the scale of higher education, which has aroused great attention from the government, universities and all walks of life.In order to encourage college students to start their own businesses, the government has continuously introduced more detailed preferential policies to encourage them to start their own businesses. Colleges and universities set up entrepreneurship courses, set up entrepreneurial funds, set up entrepreneurship parks for college students, and set up incubators in various places.Support as much as possible from all aspects, encourage college students to start a business, and constantly improve the entrepreneurial environment.In recent years, the economy of Inner Mongolia has been growing, the number of university students starting a business after graduation has been increasing, and the municipal government of the autonomous region and the League has continuously introduced various kinds of supporting policies to encourage university students to start a business.In Inner Mongolia, there are still some problems such as low success rate and difficulties.Based on the analysis of the entrepreneurial environment and support of college students in Inner Mongolia, it is found that there is a series of policy support and financial support, such as the lack of operational policies, insufficient loan guarantee funds and so on.In view of these problems, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the entrepreneurship support system of college students in Inner Mongolia.This paper is divided into five parts: introduction, overview of entrepreneurship support system for college students, analysis of the current situation of entrepreneurship support system for college students in Inner Mongolia, suggestions for perfecting the entrepreneurial support system for college students in Inner Mongolia, and conclusion.The introduction part introduces the research background and significance of the thesis, the research methods used in the paper; the second part discusses the concept of entrepreneurship of college students, the contents of entrepreneurship support system.The third part, the fourth part is the key part of the thesis.The third part from the policy support, financial support, entrepreneurship education, service support four aspects of Inner Mongolia City to support the contents of entrepreneurship for college students, as well as Tongliao area for college students to give how to support entrepreneurship;It is concluded that the policy of entrepreneurship support for college students in Inner Mongolia is not feasible enough, the loan guarantee fund is insufficient, the policy of entrepreneurship training and subsidy is not fully implemented, and the system of entrepreneurship education is not perfect.The fourth part of the Inner Mongolia University entrepreneurship support system problems, put forward a number of suggestions: to establish the cultivation of college students independent entrepreneurial talent into the overall planning of talent work in the region;Put forward the further implementation of support policies; to improve the school entrepreneurship education system as the basis, carry out a variety of forms of entrepreneurship education; strengthen the building of positions, strive to build a platform to guide youth employment entrepreneurship; strengthen help measures; broaden the channels of consultation and guidance,In this paper, the author combines the effective measures of Qingdao to support college students' entrepreneurship, and strives for the feasibility and reasonableness of the suggestions.Finally, the paper summarizes the entrepreneurship support system in Inner Mongolia, and points out the deficiencies of the paper and the content of the paper.


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