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发布时间:2018-04-07 16:44

  本文选题:民办高校 切入点:职业发展 出处:《天津商业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:民办高等教育是我国教育的重要组成部分,而教师作为民办高校发展的根本力量,,他们的发展越来越受到各方面的重视。河北省是民办高等教育的大省,近年来在注重学生培养的同时,也积极关注民办高校教师的职业发展。 本文以石家庄市民办高校教师为研究对象,研究民办高校教师的职业发展,同时借鉴管理学中的学习型组织理论,在对国内外相关文献分析的前提下,结合调查问卷和实地访谈的研究方式,了解了现阶段石家庄市民办高校教师的职业发展现状,发现其中存在很多问题,主要表现在:第一,教师层面的问题,包括教师在职业发展过程中的被动性和无目的性;第二,民办高校在管理理念和管理模式上的问题;第三,政府方面缺乏相关的制度和法规的支持。 针对以上存在的问题,本文提出解决石家庄市民办高校教师职业发展问题的相关建议,包括以下几个方面:首先,学校教师自身努力实现职业发展,包括树立崇高的职业理想、提高职业知识和技能以及制定切合自身的职业发展规划等;其次,民办高校重视教师的职业发展,并对学习型组织在学校实施的可行性进行研究,提出开展相关活动的对策;最后,政府在相关制度和策略上提供保障,包括相关法规的建设、资助与扶持、对社会舆论的正确引导等。
[Abstract]:Private higher education is an important part of education in our country, and teachers, as the fundamental force of the development of private colleges and universities, are receiving more and more attention from all aspects.Hebei Province is a large province of private higher education. In recent years, it pays attention to the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities while paying attention to the cultivation of students.This paper takes teachers of private colleges and universities in Shijiazhuang as the research object, studies the professional development of teachers in private colleges and universities, at the same time uses the learning organization theory in management for reference, under the premise of analyzing the relevant literature at home and abroad.Based on the questionnaire and field interviews, the author understands the present situation of teachers' professional development in private colleges and universities in Shijiazhuang, and finds out that there are many problems, mainly as follows: first, the problems at the teacher level.Including teachers in the process of professional development passive and aimless; second, private colleges in the management concept and management model of the problems; third, the lack of government systems and regulations to support.In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward some relevant suggestions to solve the problem of teachers' professional development in private colleges and universities in Shijiazhuang, including the following aspects: first, school teachers strive to achieve professional development, including setting up lofty professional ideals.Secondly, private colleges and universities attach importance to the professional development of teachers, and study the feasibility of the implementation of learning organizations in schools, and put forward the countermeasures to carry out related activities.Finally, the government provides the guarantee in the related system and strategy, including the construction of the relevant laws and regulations, the aid and support, the correct guidance to the public opinion and so on.


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