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发布时间:2018-04-07 17:20

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:宽恕 出处:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:宽恕是个体在遇到他人伤害或自我心理困扰时,能够主动面对外部、内部的问题,主动放弃报复他人或者伤害自己的心理活动过程。宽恕对于个体的身心健康成长、人际关系的和谐和个体道德品质的提高发挥着重要作用。当前高等院校中宽恕教育的缺失、大学生人际关系的敏感、敌意等倾向的增强,道德状况的滑坡凸显了在高校中实施宽恕教育的必要性。论文论述了对大学生进行宽恕教育的意义,并探讨了大学生宽恕教育的理论依据和影响因素、大学生宽恕教育的内容、大学生宽恕教育的原则和方法等内容。 在高等院校中开展大学生宽恕教育,有其独特的德育价值,它是对高校德育理念的有益补充,是对高校德育方法的深入探索,也是对高校德育目标的进一步深化。对于大学生的实际生活而言也具有重要的现实意义。大学生宽恕教育有利于大学生面对真实内心世界,促进高尚道德品质的形成;有利于大学生提高生活满意度,增强主观幸福感;有利于修复人际关系,形成人际关系的良性循环;有利于大学生共情能力的培养,增强亲社会动机。关于大学生宽恕教育现状,宽恕他人和宽恕自己状况均不佳,且与人际敏感、敌意等因子呈负相关。大学生宽恕教育是建立在马克思主义人学理论、中国的“和”文化、思想政治教育心理学理论、宽恕理论和积极心理学理论基础之上的,大学生宽恕的影响因素主要有认知性因素、情感性因素和环境性因素。因此,大学生宽恕教育就要从认知、情感、过程和目标四个方面进行了展开。最后,在大学生宽恕教育内容基础上,阐述了内化法、差异法、模拟法、积极解释法等大学生宽恕教育的具体方法,对高校实施宽恕教育进行了方法层面的探讨。
[Abstract]:Forgiveness is the individual in the face of others hurt or self psychological distress, can take the initiative to face external and internal problems, take the initiative to give up revenge others or hurt their own psychological process. Forgiveness for the individual's physical and mental health development, harmonious interpersonal relationship and individual moral quality improvement plays an important role. The lack of forgiveness education colleges colleges, college students' interpersonal sensitivity, hostility and enhanced tendency, the moral condition of landslide highlights the necessity of implementing the forgiveness education in Colleges and universities. This paper discusses the forgiveness of college students education, and discusses the factors of College Students' forgiveness education theory and the influence of forgiveness of college education, college students forgiveness education principles and methods.
College Students' forgiveness education in Institutions of higher learning, has its unique value of moral education, which is a beneficial supplement to the concept of moral education in Colleges and universities, is the further exploration of moral education methods, but also on the college moral education goal to further deepen. For the actual life of college students but also has important practical significance. College students' forgiveness education to college students in the face of the real inner world, promote the formation of noble moral qualities; help students improve life satisfaction, enhance the subjective well-being; conducive to the repair of interpersonal relationship, interpersonal relationship to form a virtuous cycle; is beneficial to cultivate college students' empathy ability, enhance the prosocial motivation. The status quo of College Students' education about forgiveness, forgiveness of all poor, and interpersonal sensitivity, hostility and other factors were negatively correlated. Students forgiveness education is based on Marx's theory, in In the "and" culture, psychology of Ideological and political education theory, based on the theory of forgiveness and the theory of positive psychology, the main factors influencing college students' forgiveness cognitive factors, affective factors and environmental factors. Therefore, college students' forgiveness education must start from the four aspects of cognition, emotion, process and objectives have been carried out. Finally, in the basis of forgiveness of college education content, expounds the internalization method, difference method, simulation method, trying to explain how the method of forgiveness of college education, the implementation of forgiveness education in Colleges and universities is discussed method level.



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