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发布时间:2018-04-08 14:35

  本文选题:教育实习 切入点:地方高师院校 出处:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,国家对于教师教育重视程度的逐步提升。教育实习是教师教育课程的重要组成部分,担负着引领师范生从学生到教师角色转变的关键性责任,对于提高教师专业素质、促进教师专业化发展有着不可替代的作用,人们对于教育实习的关注也日益增强。作为我国高等教育大众化的主要阵地和教师培养的主要场所,地方高师院校的教育教学质量特别是教育实习成效直接影响着我国教师队伍的整体素质。因此,有必要对地方高师院校教育实习状况加以研究。 本文以吉林师范大学、河北师范大学、四川师范大学以及华南师范大学等4所省属师范大学为研究对象,采取问卷调查和访谈相结合的方式对上述四所高校2012年度教育实习状况进行分析和研究。 论文主要包括以下五部分: 第一章为绪论,主要介绍本研究的背景、研究问题与内容、研究目标与意义、研究的重点难点,以及研究的基本思路与方法五方面。 第二章为文献综述,包括对相关概念的界定,以及对中外教育实习总体状况的综述。 第三章详细介绍了调查问卷等相关研究工具的设计、编制、发放以及回收情况。 第四章从教育实习目的、实习模式、实习内容,,以及实习的组织与管理、指导与反思、评价与总结等六个维度,对于四所省属师范大学教育实习计划进行分析;并通过问卷和访谈的方式,掌握上述高校2012年度教育实习的具体实施状况。 第五章为结论与建议,以上述分析结果为依据,对于四所高校2012年度教育实习总体情况进行总结,并针对地方高师院校教育实习的改革提出一些建议,以期在一定程度上为教育实习不断完善提供参考。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the degree of attention to teacher education has gradually increased.Teaching practice is an important part of teacher education curriculum, which bears the key responsibility of leading normal school students to change their roles from student to teacher, and plays an irreplaceable role in improving teachers' professional quality and promoting teachers' professional development.People pay more and more attention to educational practice.As the main position of popularization of higher education and the main place of teacher training, the quality of education and teaching, especially the effect of teaching practice, directly affect the overall quality of teachers in our country.Therefore, it is necessary to study the situation of educational practice in local normal universities.This paper takes Jilin normal University, Hebei normal University, Sichuan normal University and South China normal University as research objects.This paper analyzes and studies the situation of education practice in the four universities in 2012 by means of questionnaire and interview.The thesis mainly includes the following five parts:The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the background, research problems and contents, research objectives and significance, key points and difficulties, as well as the basic ideas and methods of the research.The second chapter is a literature review, including the definition of relevant concepts, as well as the overall situation of Chinese and foreign educational practice.The third chapter introduces the design, compilation, distribution and recovery of the questionnaire and other related research tools in detail.The fourth chapter analyzes the educational practice plan of four provincial normal universities from six dimensions: the purpose of education practice, the practice mode, the content of practice, the organization and management of practice, the guidance and reflection, the evaluation and summary.And through questionnaires and interviews, we can grasp the implementation of the 2012 education practice in these colleges and universities.The fifth chapter is the conclusion and the suggestion, based on the above analysis results, summarizes the overall situation of the education practice in four colleges and universities in 2012, and puts forward some suggestions for the reform of the education practice in the local normal colleges and universities.In order to provide a reference for the continuous improvement of educational practice to a certain extent.


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