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发布时间:2018-04-09 09:00

  本文选题:美国大学 切入点:现代大学观 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学发展离不开观念的支撑,美国大学作为世界高等教育的翘楚,其成功的原因自然包括先进的现代大学观念。对于观念的探索不能仅仅停留在精神层面的思辨,应当关注反映观念的现实人与物的发展变化。为了能够更加深入地理解美国现代大学观的核心概念及其发展演变,采取多维的视角来阐述这一问题尤为重要。 从历史的视角出发,可以看出:美国大学的发展先后经历了创新的殖民地学院、实用的州立大学、自由的研究型大学和民主的社区学院等几个阶段。从文献的视角审视,可以发现:创新、自由、服务成为学者们关注的焦点。从归纳的视角,对上述概念进行再次反思,可以发现:创新、实用、自由、民主是美国现代大学观的核心概念。正是由于实用的价值取向,才使得美国大学及其成员从不拘泥于僵化的传统教条,而是热衷于勇敢地创新性实践;同样地,正是基于创新的习惯,大学才会时常走在时代的前沿,给予社会最大程度的实用。只有崇尚和追求自由,大学及其成员才会拥有独立自主的个性,而对于这些的关注与尊重,,才会为美国大学的民主创造基本的前提和基础。相应地只有在一个民主的环境中,自由才有实现发展的机会,而这也就决定了大学的创新与实用是否能够在较大程度上按照自身的内在逻辑与要求进行。从个案的视角,选取芝加哥大学进行典型分析,进一步证明了现代大学观核心概念的存在与价值。 大学应当依照自身独特的自然环境和文化传统特色,理智地分析独具自身特色的大学观及其主要内涵,这是不管我们整体的大学还是某一大学都应该做到的。那么剩下来我们要做的就是——并非将它们当作一种形式上的“摆设”,而是将它们具体化为支配大学日常组织管理的一组组规范原则,任谁都不可以轻易僭越。
[Abstract]:The development of universities can not be separated from the support of ideas. American universities, as the world's leading universities, are naturally successful because of advanced modern university concepts.The exploration of ideas should not only stay at the spiritual level, but also pay attention to the development and change of the realistic people and things that reflect the ideas.In order to understand the core concept of American modern university concept and its development, it is very important to expound this problem from a multidimensional perspective.From the perspective of history, we can see that the development of American universities has experienced several stages, such as the innovative colonial college, the practical state university, the free research university and the democratic community college.From the perspective of literature, we can find that innovation, freedom and service have become the focus of scholars.From the perspective of induction, it is found that innovation, practicality, freedom and democracy are the core concepts of American modern university view.It is because of practical values that American universities and their members do not cling to rigid traditional dogma, but are eager to practice bravely and innovatively; again, it is based on the habit of innovation.Universities will always be at the forefront of the times, giving society the greatest degree of practicality.Only by advocating and pursuing freedom, the university and its members will have an independent personality, and the concern and respect for these will create the basic premise and foundation for the democracy of American universities.Accordingly, only in a democratic environment can freedom have the opportunity to realize development, which determines whether the innovation and practice of universities can be carried out in accordance with their own internal logic and requirements to a large extent.From the perspective of a case, the University of Chicago is selected for a typical analysis, which further proves the existence and value of the core concept of modern university view.A university should rationally analyze its unique view of university and its main connotations according to its own unique natural environment and cultural tradition, which should be done by our university as a whole or by a university.So what we have to do is not to treat them as formal "furnishings", but to translate them into a set of norms governing the day-to-day management of universities, and no one can easily overstep them.


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