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发布时间:2018-04-09 10:12

  本文选题:当代中国大学生 切入点:政治心理 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:青年大学生作为我国社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,是推进我国民主化进程的重要力量。互联网的应用和普及,日益成为我国公民表达民意、参与政治的重要渠道之一,为实现政治参与提供了有力的技术支持。大学生作为政治参与的主力军,有其自身的独特性:他们既是知识的接受者、又是新技术的运用者、还是未来的社会精英。在一系列政治参与活动中,以其自己独有的方式发挥着他们的作用。而在政治参与的过程中,政治文化的多元化性会导致不同的政治心理,而不同的政治心理又将直接影响大学生的政治行为,最终还会影响到现实社会政治生活。因而分析大学生的政治心理,找出它的形成因素,同时对消极的政治参与心态进行疏通和引导,对促进我国大学生政治参与和谐有序的发展,对建设我国民主化政治有着重要的理论和现实意义。 本文由五个部分组成。第一部分引言,是对国内外大学生政治心理研究情况进行概述,主要是从政治心理现状、影响因素和如何引导大学生树立理性的政治心理三个方面进行文献的整理及论述。第二部分先介绍大学生政治心理的相关理论,比如什么是大学生的政治心理,它的构成要素有哪些以及它们各要素之间的关系,大学生政治心理是怎么形成的,它们对社会都有哪些作用和意义等基本概念的论述。第三部分,是在实证调查的基础上,运用图表来说明大学生当前在政治心理上出现的现状和较之以前出现的几种变化。第四部分,是将影响大学生政治心理的主要因素进行分析,逐个说明大学生政治心理与各影响因素间的变量关系是什么。最后一部分是从高校的视角将大学生政治心理的发展进行了展望,这种展望主要从三个方面进行说明,首先是大学生政治心理优化要达到的目标,其次是在优化过程中应该坚持的四点原则,最后是优化大学生政治心理的路径分析,主要说明学校该怎么做。
[Abstract]:As the constructors and successors of our socialist cause, the young college students are the important force to promote the democratization process of our country.The application and popularization of Internet has become one of the important channels for citizens to express public opinion and participate in politics, which provides powerful technical support for the realization of political participation.As the main force of political participation, college students have their own uniqueness: they are not only the recipients of knowledge, but also the users of new technology, or the social elite in the future.In a series of political activities, they play their role in their own unique way.In the process of political participation, the pluralism of political culture will lead to different political psychology, and different political psychology will directly affect the political behavior of college students, and finally will affect the real social and political life.Therefore, by analyzing the political psychology of college students and finding out its forming factors, the negative political participation mentality can be dredged and guided to promote the harmonious and orderly development of college students' political participation in our country.It has important theoretical and practical significance to the construction of democratic politics in our country.This paper consists of five parts.The first part of the introduction is to summarize the political psychology of college students at home and abroad, mainly from the current situation of political psychology, influencing factors and how to guide college students to set up rational political psychology of the three aspects of literature collation and discussion.The second part first introduces the relevant theories of college students' political psychology, such as what is the political psychology of college students, what are its constituent elements and the relationship between them, and how the political psychology of college students is formed.They have to the society what role and meaning and so on basic concept elaboration.The third part is based on the empirical investigation, using charts to illustrate the current political psychology of college students in the present situation and several changes than before.The fourth part is to analyze the main factors that affect the college students' political psychology and explain the variable relationship between the college students' political psychology and the influencing factors one by one.The last part is to look forward to the development of college students' political psychology from the perspective of colleges and universities. This prospect is mainly explained from three aspects, first of all, the goal to be achieved by the optimization of college students' political psychology.The second is the four principles that should be adhered to in the process of optimization, and finally, the path analysis of optimizing college students' political psychology, which mainly explains how the school should do.


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