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发布时间:2018-04-09 15:42

  本文选题:三生教育 切入点:马克思主义哲学 出处:《昆明理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当今世界,由于科技飞速进步,人类获取物质生活资料的能力得到了极大的提高,创造了丰富的物质财富,基本满足了人的物质追求,但同时也颠倒了技术发展与人自身发展的关系,导致精神空间的贫瘠。为全面推进素质教育,大力发展现代化教育事业,2008年初,云南省率先在全省各级各类学校中开展生命教育、生存教育、生活教育(简称“三生教育”)。经过这些年的探索和实践,云南省的“三生教育”取得了较好的成绩。目前,已从高位推进进入到常规教育之中。 “三生教育”既是一门课程,也是一种实践活动,其目的是要让人的个体生命由自发走向自觉,以一种较为理性的生命观、生存观、生活观,通过关爱自己与他人的健康成长,从而激发人的生存价值,去追求幸福生活的目标,为树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观打下基础,最终应当是立足于促进人自由而全面的发展。而这正是马克思主义教育哲学追求的目标之一 大学生是未来社会主义事业的接班人,面对四年的大学生活,在个性自由要求得到充分彰显的同时,挑战和考验也前所未有的横亘在大学生面前。大学生要和各种负面情绪作抗争,不仅要学会独立,还要学会社会化生存,确立自己的生活理想和生活模式。“三生教育”正是使学生认识个体的自我生命与他人生命之间的密切联系,领悟生命本质,增强生命意识和提高生存能力,在知识层面上把握生存规律,确立健康、高尚的生活目标和生活观点。把追求个人的幸福生活与现实社会的和谐发展和祖国的繁荣昌盛有机结合起来,把它们统一在自己的人生道路上,以普通的生命谱写出不平凡的人生篇章。但是,“三生教育”作为一种新型的教育理念,目前仍是一个倍受争议的话题。本文旨在说明“三生教育”与思想政治教育理论课之间的关系,同时用马克思主义哲学观点对“三生教育”进行理论指导。
[Abstract]:In today's world, due to the rapid progress of science and technology, the ability of human beings to obtain material means of living has been greatly improved, creating rich material wealth and basically satisfying the material pursuit of human beings.But at the same time, it also reversed the relationship between technology development and human own development, resulting in the inferiority of spiritual space.In order to promote quality-oriented education in an all-round way and vigorously develop modern education in early 2008, Yunnan Province took the lead in carrying out life education, survival education and life education in all kinds of schools in the whole province (referred to as "three students' education" for short).After years of exploration and practice, Yunnan Province's "three-student education" has achieved better results.At present, it has been advanced from high to regular education."Sansheng Education" is not only a course, but also a practical activity. Its purpose is to make individual life change from spontaneous to conscious, and to grow healthily through caring for oneself and others with a more rational view of life, survival and life.In order to stimulate the value of human existence, to pursue the goal of happy life, to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and ultimately should be based on the promotion of human freedom and comprehensive development.And this is one of the goals of Marxist philosophy of education.College students are the successors of socialist cause in the future. In the face of four years of college life, the demands of personality freedom are fully demonstrated, and the challenges and tests are also unprecedented in front of college students.College students should not only learn to be independent, but also learn to socialize to establish their own ideal and mode of life."three students' education" is to make students understand the close relationship between the individual's own life and the life of others, understand the essence of life, strengthen the consciousness of life and improve the ability of existence, grasp the law of existence on the level of knowledge, and establish health.A noble purpose and perspective in life.Combining the pursuit of individual happy life with the harmonious development of the real society and the prosperity of the motherland, unifying them on their own way of life, writing an extraordinary chapter of life with ordinary life.However, as a new educational idea, "three students' Education" is still a controversial topic.The purpose of this paper is to explain the relationship between the "Sansheng Education" and the ideological and political Education Theory course, and at the same time to give theoretical guidance to the "Sansheng Education" from the viewpoint of Marxist philosophy.


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