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发布时间:2018-04-09 23:26

  本文选题:“公共知识分子”思潮 切入点:大学生 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,由西方传入我国的“公共知识分子”思潮在学界和理论界引起了较大争论,也产生了较大影响。不可否认的是,该思潮强调和呼吁真正的知识分子应“立足专业、放眼天下”并无可厚非,但是传入我国的“公共知识分子”思潮却带有明显的政治倾向性,极力强调知识分子的“独立”性和“批判”性,鼓吹知识分子超越阶级局限,“自由漂浮”于各阶级之外,独立于政府意识形态,挑战一切权威和传统,甚至是与社会对立。它实质上是影响知识分子与党、与人民的关系,利用其学识和名望同党争夺话语权,是—种资产阶级人道主义思潮,其哲学观是历史唯心主义。“公共知识分子”思潮给大学生造成一定程度的不良影响,主要表现在影响大学生正确政治观、人生观和价值观的形成,对其成长和成才造成消极影响等。文章以“公共知识分子”的含义争论为基点,归纳了该思潮在西方和我国的形成、发展和主要特征,全面分析了该思潮对大学生影响的现状和成因,并在此基础上提出相关应对之策。论文共分三个部分: 第一部分:“公共知识分子”思潮的历史发展及内涵。该部分主要论述了“公共知识分子”思潮的源起、发展、概念及其基本特征。首先,阐述了“公共知识分子”思潮源起和发展,分别归纳了“公共知识分子”在西方和我国形成的历史背景及其发展状况。其次,归纳人们在“公共知识分子”含义上的多重解读,进而阐释本文的研究视角,界定概念。最后,在界定的研究视角下,总结了“公共知识分子”的主要特征。 第二部分:“公共知识分子”思潮对当代大学生的消极影响及原因分析。主要从三个方面展开论述:一是说明调研基本情况,指出调研对象、方法和内容;是从调研基本情况为基点,深度分析“公共知识分子”思潮对大学生政治观、人生观和价值观的具体影响;三是剖析“公共知识分子”思潮对大学生产生消极影响的主要原因。 第三部分:应对“公共知识分子”思潮对当代大学生消极影响的对策思考。本部分针对“公共知识分子”思潮对当代大学生的消极影响及其原因分析,从强化“公共知识分子”思潮研究、提升大学生的马克思主义素养、加强社会主义核心价值体系教育、形势与政策教育及其优化政治、经济、文化、舆论环境等方面探讨相关对策。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the trend of thought of "public intellectuals" introduced into China from the West has caused great controversy and influence in academic and theoretical circles.It is undeniable that this trend of thought emphasizes and calls on the true intellectuals to "base themselves on their profession and look at the world" and is not to blame, but the trend of thought of "public intellectuals" introduced into our country has an obvious political tendency.It strongly emphasizes the "independence" and "criticism" of intellectuals, advocates that intellectuals transcend class limitations, "float freely" outside each class, be independent of government ideology, challenge all authority and tradition, and even oppose society.In essence, it affects the relationship between intellectuals and the Party and the people. It is a kind of bourgeois humanitarianism and its philosophy is historical idealism.The trend of thought of "public intellectuals" has a certain degree of negative influence on college students, mainly on the formation of their correct political outlook, outlook on life and values, and on their growth and growth.Based on the debate on the meaning of "public intellectuals", this paper sums up the formation, development and main characteristics of the ideological trend in the West and China, and analyzes the current situation and causes of its influence on college students.And on this basis put forward the relevant countermeasures.The thesis is divided into three parts:The first part: the historical development and connotation of the trend of thought of "public intellectuals".This part mainly discusses the origin, development, concept and basic characteristics of the thought of "public intellectuals".Firstly, it expounds the origin and development of the trend of thought of "public intellectuals", and sums up the historical background and development situation of "public intellectuals" in the West and China respectively.Secondly, it summarizes the multiple interpretations of the meaning of "public intellectuals", and then explains the research perspective of this article and defines the concept.Finally, in the defined research perspective, summarizes the main characteristics of "public intellectuals".The second part: the negative influence of the thought of "public intellectuals" on contemporary college students and its causes.It is mainly discussed from three aspects: first, explaining the basic situation of investigation, pointing out the object, method and content of the investigation, and deeply analyzing the political view of college students by the trend of "public intellectuals" from the basic situation of investigation.The third is to analyze the main reasons of the negative influence of the thought of "public intellectuals" on college students.The third part: the countermeasures to deal with the negative influence of the thought of "public intellectuals" on contemporary college students.This part aims at the negative influence of "public intellectuals" on contemporary college students and its causes, from strengthening the research of "public intellectuals" to enhance the Marxist literacy of college students.Strengthen the education of socialist core value system, situation and policy education and optimize politics, economy, culture, public opinion environment and other aspects to explore the relevant countermeasures.


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5 解松;;当前主要社会思潮及其影响[J];江南社会学院学报;2009年02期

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7 邓雪琳;;“公共知识分子”思潮简论[J];理论观察;2009年02期

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9 张国祚;;论多样化社会思潮的引领[J];求是;2007年14期

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