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发布时间:2018-04-10 12:07

  本文选题:高校寝室文化 + 传承与发展 ; 参考:《齐齐哈尔大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:寝室文化作为校园文化的重要部分,必然对大学生的成长成才具有重要影响。本文试运用思想政治教育学的相关理论,在描述当前高校寝室文化现状的基础上,深入探讨高校寝室文化传承与发展的影响因素,分析、归纳高校寝室文化传承与发展中出现的主要问题及其症结,并据此提出相应的提升路径。 高校寝室文化的传承、发展与创新的理论建构及其实践探索,不仅能有效地推动高校校园文化,促进校风、学风建设,而且能够为学生的成长成才创造积极向上、高雅文明、和谐互动、充满生机的学习和生活环境,既是主动适应高校教育改革和发展的内在要求,也是推进高校先进文化建设的文化自觉。 首先,本文对高校校园文化、寝室文化、寝室文化传承与发展的基本内涵及相互关系作了理论上的界定。在此基础上,本文着力分析了高校寝室文化传承与发展的功能和意义,从而厘清了论文研究的对象、内容、目标和价值。其次,本文在对当前高校寝室文化现状描述的基础上,探寻了高校寝室文化传承与发展面临的问题和挑战,进而分析了这些问题存在的原因。这些问题主要包括物质文化、制度文化、行为文化和精神文化各个层面的影响因子。本文研究认为,影响高校寝室文化传承与发展的原因是综合性的:社会发展的新形势影响;高校管理及校园文化的影响;大学生自身新变化的影响。第三,本文重点探析了高校寝室文化传承与发展的提升路径及其育人策略。 基于理论建构与实践探索的综合分析,本文试就高校寝室文化传承与发展提出三个层面的实践策略:一是建立健全高校寝室传承与发展的工作机制,即高校要规范管理,完善制度,使寝室文化传承与发展具有制度上的保障。二是加强高校寝室文化传承与发展的工作队伍建设,提高工作队伍的教育管理水平,增强其服务意识,大力加强学生干部队伍建设,是提高寝室文化传承与发展实效的关键。三是创新高校寝室文化传承与发展的内容领域,,打造环境育人文化、服务育人文化、管理育人文化、寝室安全文化、绿色网络文化和心理疏导文化,不断探索、创新高校寝室文化传承与发展的新路径,更好实现高校寝室文化的育人功能。
[Abstract]:As an important part of campus culture, dormitory culture must have an important influence on the growth of college students.On the basis of describing the present situation of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, this paper tries to use the relevant theories of ideological and political education to probe into the influencing factors of the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, and to analyze the factors affecting the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities.This paper sums up the main problems and their sticking points in the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, and puts forward the corresponding promotion path accordingly.The inheritance, development and innovation of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, as well as its practical exploration, can not only effectively promote campus culture, promote the construction of school spirit and style of study, but also create positive and elegant civilization for the growth and development of students.The harmonious and interactive learning and living environment is not only the initiative to adapt to the inherent requirements of the reform and development of higher education, but also the cultural consciousness to promote the construction of advanced culture in colleges and universities.Firstly, this paper defines the basic connotation and relationship of campus culture, dormitory culture, dormitory culture inheritance and development.On this basis, this paper analyzes the function and significance of the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, and clarifies the object, content, goal and value of the thesis.Secondly, on the basis of describing the present situation of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, this paper explores the problems and challenges faced by the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, and then analyzes the reasons for these problems.These problems include material culture, institutional culture, behavioral culture and spiritual culture.This paper holds that the reasons that affect the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities are comprehensive: the influence of the new situation of social development, the influence of university administration and campus culture, and the influence of the new changes of college students themselves.Thirdly, this paper focuses on the promotion of the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities.Based on the comprehensive analysis of theoretical construction and practical exploration, this paper tries to put forward three practical strategies for the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities: first, to establish and perfect the working mechanism of the inheritance and development of dormitory in colleges and universities, that is, to standardize the management in colleges and universities.Improve the system, so that the inheritance and development of dormitory culture has institutional protection.Second, it is the key to improve the cultural inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, to strengthen the construction of the work force, to improve the educational management level, to strengthen the service consciousness, and to strengthen the construction of student cadres.Third, to innovate the content field of the inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, to create the culture of environmental education, to serve the culture of educating people, to manage the culture of educating people, to explore continuously the safe culture of dormitory, the culture of green network and the culture of psychological guidance.Innovating the new path of inheritance and development of dormitory culture in colleges and universities, and realizing the educational function of dormitory culture in colleges and universities.


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