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发布时间:2018-04-10 11:54

  本文选题:大学生 + 马克思主义生态观 ; 参考:《重庆工商大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Ecological problem is an important problem that human society is facing today. In the face of the trend of globalization of ecological crisis, people constantly reflect on it from theory to practice, which makes the study of Marxist ecological thought get more and more attention.Marxism as a broad and profound theoretical system, which contains a very rich ecological philosophy, which provides a wealth of theoretical resources for the construction of ecological civilization, to re-examine the relationship between man and nature,To correct the principle of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, to practice the scientific concept of development, to build a beautiful China, to provide the guiding ideology from a strategic point of view, and to provide abundant contents for the education of college students' ecological outlook.As the constructors and successors of socialism, college students shoulder the hope of the future development of the country and the nation, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of building "beautiful China".Whether they can set up the conscious idea of ecological civilization, have scientific ecological moral consciousness and complete ecological moral accomplishment, are related to the future development of the whole society.In the previous empirical study, we have not only seen the ecological civilization consciousness initially established by college students, but also the urgency of further strengthening the ecological civilization education of college students.They feel that they need the deep care of Marxist ecological thought.This requires us to start with the education of Marxist ecological view, through the systematic combing of Marxist ecological thought, the ecological content of Marxism in China, the ecological wisdom of Chinese traditional philosophy and the ecological implication of western philosophy.It provides a solid theoretical basis for college students' ecological view education, analyzes the existing problems of contemporary college students' ecological view education through the investigation of the current situation of college students' ecological view and the current situation of ecological view education.In order to strengthen the education of Marxist ecological view of college students to provide a realistic basis, on this basis, taking scientific, practical and open as the basic principles of college students' ecological view of education, from the Marxist view of practice,The dialectical relationship between man and nature, as well as the grasp of humanistic concern, are used to construct the main contents of Marxist ecological education, and to give full play to the role of the main channel of ideological and political theory course.Using the rich resources of ecological wisdom of Chinese traditional culture, drawing lessons from the ecological thought of western philosophy, and giving full play to the function of practical teaching, etc., to help college students correctly understand the dialectical relationship between man and nature.To establish a scientific ecological view.


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