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发布时间:2018-04-10 10:44

本文选题:程序设计教学 + ACM/ICPC模式 ;参考:《东华大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:ACM/ICPC (ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛)作为一个拥有40多年历史的全球范围的大学生竞赛活动,它已成为大学生甚至中学生中很受欢迎的竞赛活动。而随着计算机教育的不断发展,程序设计教学作为计算机基础科学教育的核心课程正在受到越来越多的重视。许多大学正试图把ACM/ICPC的比赛模式引入到自身的程序设计教学中,并希望借竞赛的创新机制来推动程序设计教学的改革和发展。我校曾成功举办过第34届ACM/ICPC的亚洲区预选赛上海赛区的网上预赛及现场决赛。比赛中,我校自主开发的程序设计评判系统起到了举足轻重的作用,且该系统首次使得现场决赛与网上同步赛同时进行,进而使得程序设计评判系统在比赛中圆满的完成了任务。因此,若以程序设计评判系统为基础,把ACM/ICPC的模式引入程序设计教学过程中,将会推动程序设计语言课程体系改革和发展。现实世界的软件要么越来越没有价值,要么持续改变以适应环境变化。网络的开放性、异构性和动态性使得用户需求、计算环境频繁变化,软件的变化性、复杂性也进一步增强。为了适应这些变化,软件必须能够随时间不断改变。本文经过对程序设计教学过程中不同教学阶段或环境所需要的不同服务进行分析,我们尝试以程序设计评判系统为基础,构造出可重组的程序设计教学系统模型,并使之能够适应程序设计教学过程中的不断变化的新任务,因此,我们提出程序设计教学的基于可重组自主单元互连结构为程序设计教学系统进行建模。对于该系统模型,我们着重使用可重组自主单元所构成的互连结构进行建立。作为一种基于规则及图形转换的策略,用基于自主单元的互连结构为交互但独立于其他部分进行运行的系统模块建模能够较好的体现模块间的自主性及关联性。由于自主单元构成的互连结构模型主要利用图来描述系统的状态,因此在探寻系统的图形化描述方法时引入图文法将是一条很好的途径。基于自主单元和互连结构中,用了大量的图文法相关理论知识。图文法是用来定义图语言和对图进行语法分析的形式化工具。随着计算机软件技术的发展,特别是可视化人机界面的迅速发展,图文法就被国内外众多学者介绍并研究。现今,图文法可以应用于像代数功能和逻辑表达、软件环境、设计基于规则的系统、系统的并行及并发性等。本文结合国家自然科学基金项目“网络知识互联结构自主发育模型研究”,针对上述问题,重点研究程序设计评判系统在程序设计教学中的系统模型。目标是其结构模型能够满足程序设计教学过程中所面临的新的任务和需求。
[Abstract]:ACM/ICPC International Collegiate Programming contest (ACM International Program Design Competition for College students) as a worldwide competition with a history of more than 40 years, it has become a popular competition among college students and even middle school students.With the development of computer education, programming teaching, as the core course of computer basic science education, is being paid more and more attention.Many universities are trying to introduce the competition mode of ACM/ICPC into their own programming teaching, and hope to promote the reform and development of program design teaching by the innovative mechanism of competition.Our school has successfully held the 34 th session of the ACM/ICPC Asian Zone qualifier Shanghai District online preliminary and live finals.In the competition, the program design evaluation system developed by our university has played an important role, and for the first time, the system has made the on-site final and the online synchronous competition go on simultaneously.Thus, the program design evaluation system has successfully completed the task in the competition.Therefore, if the model of ACM/ICPC is introduced into the teaching process of programming, the reform and development of the curriculum system of programming language will be promoted.Real-world software is either becoming less valuable or constantly changing to adapt to environmental change.The openness, heterogeneity and dynamics of the network make users' demands, computing environment change frequently, software's variability and complexity further enhance.In order to adapt to these changes, the software must be able to change over time.Based on the analysis of the different services required by different teaching stages or environments in the process of programming teaching, this paper attempts to construct a reconfigurable model of programming teaching system based on the evaluation system of programming design.And it can adapt to the new task which is constantly changing in the process of programming teaching. Therefore, we propose to model the programming teaching system based on the reconfigurable autonomous unit interconnection structure.For the system model, we mainly use the interconnection structure composed of reconfigurable autonomous units.As a strategy of rule-based and graphical transformation, the modeling of system modules based on the interconnection structure of autonomous units which is interactive but run independently from other parts can better reflect the autonomy and correlation between modules.Because the interconnection structure model composed of autonomous units mainly uses graphs to describe the state of the system, it is a good way to introduce the graph-text method when exploring the graphical description method of the system.Based on autonomous unit and interconnection structure, a lot of related theoretical knowledge of graph and text method is used.Graphic text is a formal tool for defining graph language and parsing diagrams.With the development of computer software technology, especially the rapid development of visual man-machine interface, graphic and text method has been introduced and studied by many scholars at home and abroad.Nowadays, graph-text method can be applied to algebraic function and logic representation, software environment, designing rule-based system, system parallelism and concurrency, etc.Based on the project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, "study on the independent development model of network knowledge interconnection structure", this paper focuses on the system model of programming evaluation system in the teaching of program design, aiming at the above problems.The goal is that the structural model can meet the new tasks and needs in the process of programming teaching.


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