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发布时间:2018-04-10 15:40

  本文选题:内部治理 + 大学 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前,推进大学自治、规范与完善大学内部治理,已越来越成为教育行政部门和社会关注的焦点。随着教育领域综合改革的深入推进,国家为探索完善大学内部治理提供了强有力的政策支持和有利条件。 香港特别行政区与内地同根同源、一脉相承,和内地有着相近的文化背景和社会观念,在文化与教育上的交流与借鉴具有扎实的根基。香港特别行政区的大学因受英国高等教育体制的影响,在大学内部治理方面借鉴吸收了英国高等教育的优良传统,并不断推陈出新,形成了自己的特色和优势,并被实践证明其先进性和示范性。 本文以香港特别行政区四所有代表性的大学章程文本为研究对象,通过章程文本研究香港特别行政区大学对内部治理的规定,并对选定的四所大学内部治理的异同进行了对比分析,得出了香港特别行政区大学内部治理的共同特点,即政府、社会共同参与的决策机制,校长负责的行政执行机制,教授治学的学术自治机制,师生参与的民主管理机制。针对内地公立大学在内部治理方面存在的主要问题,就借鉴香港特别行政大学内部治理的合理因素,,提出了内地公立大学规范和完善大学内部治理的对策,即探索建立政府、社会参与的董事会(理事会)制度,进一步厘清党委领导和校长负责的职权,全力保障学术权力不受干扰,赋予基层单位更大的办学自主权,拓宽师生民主管理途径和加强大学章程建设。
[Abstract]:At present, promoting university autonomy and standardizing and perfecting university internal governance have become the focus of educational administration and society.With the deepening of the comprehensive reform in the field of education, the state has provided strong policy support and favorable conditions for exploring and perfecting the internal governance of universities.The Hong Kong Special Administrative region (HKSAR) shares the same roots with the mainland and has a close cultural background and social concept. The exchange and reference in culture and education have a solid foundation.Under the influence of the British higher education system, the universities of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region have drawn lessons from the fine tradition of British higher education in the internal governance of the universities, and have constantly introduced the old into the new, forming their own characteristics and advantages.It is proved by practice that it is advanced and exemplary.This paper takes the texts of the four representative universities of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region as the object of study, and studies the internal governance regulations of the universities of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region through the texts of the statutes.By comparing and analyzing the similarities and differences of the internal governance of the four selected universities, the common characteristics of the internal governance of the universities of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region are obtained, that is, the decision-making mechanism in which the government and the society participate together, the executive mechanism of the president responsible for the internal governance, and the executive mechanism that the president is responsible for.Professor academic autonomy mechanism, teachers and students participate in the democratic management mechanism.In view of the main problems existing in the internal governance of the public universities in the mainland, this paper draws lessons from the reasonable factors of the internal governance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative University, and puts forward the countermeasures to standardize and perfect the internal governance of the universities in the mainland, that is, to explore the establishment of the government.The board of directors (board of directors) system of social participation further clarifies the functions and powers of the leadership of the party committee and the principal, makes every effort to ensure that academic power is not interfered with, and gives grassroots units greater autonomy in running a school.We should broaden the ways of democratic management of teachers and students and strengthen the construction of university regulations.


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