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发布时间:2018-04-10 17:37

  本文选题:核心竞争力 + 办学体制 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:20世纪九十年代,邓小平同志南巡讲话之后,我国民办大学如雨后春笋快速发展,现已增至到1500多所。公办大学不断扩招,境外大学进入我国,民办大学与他们的竞争越来越激烈。随着近几年生源的不断减少,这种竞争还将逐步深化。 诚然民办大学有着自己的优势,但由于国家的人口政策、就业、费用高等外部因素开始发生变化,加之民办院校自身存在的问题,民办大学普遍遇到越来越多的困境。我国高等教育如今已步入大众化发展阶段,,连续10年的高校扩招,给原本就不好过的民办高校带来了巨大的冲击。因为政策无法有效落实,由于人们的“等级教育”作怪,民办高校发展举步维艰,大有濒临生死边缘的感觉。 虽然民办高校办学规模不断的扩大,教学质量在不断的提高,但是,在与公办高校相比实力仍然弱小,特别是在民办高校内部管理建设方面和人们对民办高校的认可度方面等还存在诸多问题,虽然近几年有个别民办高校已经提升为本科办学层次,但在激烈的市场竞争中仍处于不利地位。民办高校在如此激烈的竞争中,如何才能在夹缝中生存?如何才能发展?这个问题值得所有的民办高校去思考。 民办高校以市场为导向的业务模式和办学机制,培养市场最需要的人才这是民办高校与国办高校最本质的区别,也是民办高校的最大的优势。因此,机动灵活的反应机制,以市场为导向的办学体制是民办高校的核心竞争力。 当前,我国民办高等教育的外部环境已发生了深刻变化,转型时期的山东民办高校发展如何,有哪些收获,又遇到了什么样的困难,核心竞争力应怎样构建和提升。以山东地区为例,在高等教育大众化、多元化、多样化的背景下,依托企业核心竞争力理论,讨论民办高校作为高等教育重要组成部分所具有的核心竞争力的内涵和特征,对山东民办高校经营现状进行分析,得出当前民办高校的优势和劣势,为提升山东民办高校的核心竞争力,提供有益的借鉴。
[Abstract]:In the 1990s, after Comrade Deng Xiaoping's speech on the southern tour, private universities in China have sprung up rapidly and have now increased to more than 1500.With the increasing enrollment of public universities and the entry of foreign universities, the competition between private universities and them is becoming more and more fierce.As the number of students decreases in recent years, the competition will deepen gradually.It is true that private universities have their own advantages, but due to the national population policy, employment, high costs and other external factors began to change, coupled with the problems of private colleges and universities themselves, private universities generally encounter more and more difficulties.China's higher education has now entered the stage of popular development. The enrollment expansion of colleges and universities for 10 consecutive years has brought a huge impact to the private universities which were already difficult.Because the policy can not be carried out effectively, because of people's "level education", the development of private colleges and universities is very difficult, and it is very close to the edge of life and death.Although the scale of running a private university is constantly expanding and the teaching quality is constantly improving, the strength of a private university is still weak compared with that of a publicly run university.In particular, there are still many problems in the internal management construction of private colleges and universities and in the recognition of private colleges and universities. Although in recent years, some private colleges and universities have been upgraded to the level of undergraduate education.But in the fierce market competition is still in a disadvantageous position.In such fierce competition, how can private colleges and universities survive in the gap?How can we develop?This problem is worth thinking about by all private colleges and universities.The market-oriented business model and school-running mechanism of private colleges and universities, and the cultivation of talents most needed by the market are the most essential differences between private colleges and state-run colleges and universities, and are also the greatest advantages of private colleges and universities.Therefore, flexible response mechanism and market-oriented school system are the core competitiveness of private colleges and universities.At present, the external environment of private higher education in our country has undergone profound changes. In the period of transformation, how to develop, what gains, what difficulties have been encountered, and how to build and enhance the core competitiveness of Shandong private colleges and universities in the transitional period.Taking Shandong as an example, under the background of popularization, diversification and diversification of higher education, this paper discusses the connotation and characteristics of the core competitiveness of private colleges and universities as an important part of higher education, relying on the theory of core competitiveness of enterprises.Based on the analysis of the present management situation of the private universities in Shandong province, the advantages and disadvantages of the private colleges and universities are obtained, which can provide useful reference for the promotion of the core competitiveness of the private universities in Shandong province.


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