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发布时间:2018-04-10 23:13

  本文选题:信息公开 + 高校网站 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:信息在人类社会经济飞速发展的今天,已经被视为一种重要资源而存在.其中作为具有公共性的政府部门在行使其权力的过程中产生了大量关键信息,但据有关研究表明,其在公开信息时却是有选择性的公开。这就导致了非对称信息现象的存在。虽然,政府在制度建设、法律建设方面也做了很多努力,但效果并不明显。故此,目前作为公共教育部门的高校,其信息公开的真实效果如何?怎样才能让公共部门的信息公开真正起到效果是本研究的重点问题。 本研究采用定性与定量分析结合的方法,对高校门户网站信息公开的现状进行研究分析。定性研究的指标严格根据教育部颁布的《高等学校信息公开办法》(以下简称《办法》)中主动公开信息来确定的,这类信息在信息公开中没有回旋的余地,,属于必须公开的范畴,所以这类信息具有重要统计意义。定量分析是运用信息计量学的方法,对网站的建设进行必要的评估,据研究表明,一个网站的服务质量、人机交互的容易度直接影响人们对于信息的获取,网站的建设状况从一个侧面反应出高校在信息公开过程中的主动性。 通过对高校网站数据的搜集、分析,最终的得出结论:当前,高校在《办法》实施一年后,其信息公开取得了很大进展,但与师生等利益相关者的期望还有较大距离。原因主要是信息公开制度在我国实施以来,对一些传统的办公理念产生了冲突,信息拥有者主观意识存在惯性;其次,缺乏配套措施、法律制度不完善等都是导致信息公开不力的缘由。要解决上述问题,首先必须加快相关法律层面的建设;其次,可以效仿美国密歇根州建立一个独立于任何机构的信息管理系统,由专门的信息人员来进行独立管理,以提高效率;第三建立一种社会评议制度,由社会大众来实施监督;最后,建立必要的救济制度进行综合治理。
[Abstract]:Information has been regarded as an important resource in the rapid development of human social economy . It has been regarded as an important resource in the process of exercising its power . However , the research shows that it is selective in the process of public information . This leads to the existence of asymmetric information phenomenon .

This research adopts qualitative and quantitative analysis method to study the present situation of the information disclosure of university portal . The index of qualitative research is determined strictly according to the active public information in the information disclosure method promulgated by the Ministry of Education . This kind of information has important statistical significance . The quantitative analysis is to use the method of information metrology to make the necessary evaluation of the construction of the website . The research shows that the quality of service of a website and the ease of man - machine interaction directly influence people ' s acquisition of information . The construction of the website reflects the initiative of the university in the information disclosure process from one side .

Through the collection and analysis of the website data of colleges and universities , it is concluded that the information disclosure has made great progress after the implementation of the information disclosure system for one year , but there is a great distance to the expectations of the stakeholders such as teachers and students . The reason is that the information disclosure system has caused conflicts to some traditional office concepts since the implementation of our country , and the subjective consciousness of the information owner has inertia ;
Secondly , the lack of matching measures , imperfect legal system and so on are the reasons that lead to the wrong information disclosure . To solve the above - mentioned problems , we must speed up the construction of the relevant legal level .
Secondly , an information management system , independent of any institution , can be established in Michigan , which is managed independently by specialized information personnel to improve efficiency ;
Third , establish a social appraisal system , which is supervised by the public .
Finally , establish the necessary relief system to carry out comprehensive treatment .



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