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发布时间:2018-04-11 06:11

  本文选题:消费主义思潮 + 大学生 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:经济全球化时代的到来,西方的价值观念和生活方式蔓延至我国人民的生活、工作和学习中来,也日趋冲击着我国高校大学生的思想观念和生活方式。消费是每一个社会人的最基本的行为,大学生作为一个有着高文化资本的特殊消费群体,他们具有很强的接受能力,但在生理和心理上还不成熟,这就使得消费主义思潮容易侵入到高校校园当中,影响和阻碍大学生正确理性的消费观念的发展。目前,高校大学生中就存在诸多消费方面的问题,这不仅加重了学生家长的经济负担和高校教育管理的难度,也直接影响到大学生的世界观、人生观、价值观的形成与发展。因此,本文旨在深入了解高校大学生消费现状和消费观念,从而引导大学生自觉抵制消费主义侵害,树立科学、健康的消费观念。 本文立足实践,通过问卷调查访谈、文献收集、比较研究等形式,结合思想政治教育、马克思主义理论、经济学、心理学、人文与社会科学等学科理论知识,在阐述了消费、消费观、消费主义等概念的基础上,对全国4个地区(湖南、上海、重庆、新疆)6所高校(南华大学、湖南大学、上海师范、上海外语、重庆大学、石河子大学)进行了随机抽样调查。从高校大学生群体的基本消费情况入手,,调查大学生消费现状,检验其消费是否具有消费主义倾向,再根据对消费主义的认知情况和对理性消费的认知情况进行调查,检验大学生现有的消费观情况,并根据现有资料中,对消费主义几个维度的界定,来看大学生的消费观是否受到消费主义思潮的影响。进而从社会、学校、家庭以及大学生自身等方面来提出抵制消费主义思潮不良影响的对策和教育途径。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the era of economic globalization, the western values and ways of life have spread to the life, work and study of the Chinese people, and are increasingly impacting the ideology and life style of college students in our country.Consumption is the most basic behavior of every social person. As a special consumer group with high cultural capital, college students have strong receptivity, but they are not mature physically and psychologically.This makes the trend of consumerism easy to intrude into the campus of colleges and universities, which affects and hinders the development of the correct and rational consumption concept of college students.At present, there are many problems in consumption among college students, which not only aggravate the economic burden of parents and the difficulty of university education management, but also directly affect the formation and development of college students' world outlook, outlook on life and values.Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to deeply understand the consumption situation and consumption concept of college students, so as to guide them to resist consumerism and set up scientific and healthy consumption concept.Based on practice, this paper expounds consumption by means of questionnaire interview, literature collection, comparative study, and theoretical knowledge of ideological and political education, Marxist theory, economics, psychology, humanities and social sciences, etc.On the basis of the concept of consumption and consumerism, this paper introduces six universities (Nanhua University, Hunan University, Shanghai normal University, Shanghai Foreign language University, Chongqing University) in four regions of China (Hunan, Shanghai, Chongqing, Xinjiang).A random sampling survey was conducted at Shihezi University.Starting with the basic consumption of college students, this paper investigates the current situation of college students' consumption, tests whether their consumption has the tendency of consumerism, and then investigates the cognitive situation of consumerism and rational consumption.According to the definition of several dimensions of consumerism, this paper examines the current situation of college students' consumption view and finds out whether the consumption view of college students is influenced by the trend of consumerism.Then it puts forward the countermeasures and educational ways to resist the adverse influence of consumerism from the aspects of society, school, family and college students themselves.


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