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发布时间:2018-04-11 08:02

  本文选题:大学生 + 低碳意识 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:党的十八大提出建设社会主义生态文明,实现美丽中国的发展愿景。美丽中国目标的实现不仅需要转变发展观念,转变经济发展方式,同时也需要在精神文明建设中培养具有低碳意识的公民,特别是作为未来中国生态文明建设生力军的大学生低碳意识培养尤为重要。 低碳概念从能源消耗与排放的经济概念转换为气候谈判等国际政治的议题,再拓展成为关涉到人与自然、人与人、人与自我伦理关系的道德概念,其不仅是要解决地球能源日益匮乏以及生态环境不断恶化等问题,更是新时期培养公民具有人与自然和谐相处的正确思想以及提高公民道德水平的重要组成部分,具有丰富的道德内涵。低碳意识包含生态观念、平等观念、合理的消费观和创新理念等多重意蕴。大学生群体虽然在整体上对低碳消费、低碳生活等相关理念的认识呈上升趋势,但是也出现了低碳意识薄弱,对低碳的认识过于片面以及知行分离等问题,这些都是迫切的需要得到解决的问题。对大学生低碳意识的培养可以通过相关课程设置、主题社会实践活动、校园文化建设和大学生自我教育等各种路径来培养大学生的低碳意识。 本文共分为三个部分: 第一部分:论述低碳意识的道德内涵。从低碳概念的由来出发,通过论述低碳概念由经济领域逐步向政治领域、伦理领域扩展的过程,对低碳意识的概念进行界定,并在此基础上着重阐述了低碳意识在道德层面上的主要内涵。 第二部分:深入分析大学生低碳意识的现状及原因。通过总结大学生低碳意识薄弱的现状,指出当代大学生对低碳意识的认知度虽然不断上升,但仍存在知行分离等问题影响其形成正确的低碳意识。并针对其中存在的问题讨论成因,为培养大学生低碳意识提出有针对性的解决方案。 第三部分:谈论大学生低碳意识的培养及实践路径。培养大学生具有正确的低碳意识,应该着重从生态观念、平等观念、消费理念以及创新能力四个方面出发,探索培养大学生低碳意识的有效方式。而要真正使大学生成为“低碳人”则需要学校、社会、家庭共同努力。
[Abstract]:The 18th National Congress of the Party proposed the construction of socialist ecological civilization and the realization of the development vision of beautiful China.The realization of the goal of beautiful China not only needs to change the concept of development and the way of economic development, but also needs to cultivate citizens with low carbon consciousness in the construction of spiritual civilization.Especially, it is very important to cultivate low-carbon consciousness of college students as a new force in the construction of Chinese ecological civilization in the future.The concept of low carbon has been transformed from the economic concept of energy consumption and emissions to international political issues such as climate negotiations, and expanded into a moral concept concerning the ethical relationship between man and nature, between man and man, between man and himself.It is not only to solve the problems of energy shortage and ecological environment deterioration on earth, but also to train citizens to have the correct idea of harmony between man and nature and to improve the moral level of citizens in the new period.It has rich moral connotation.Low-carbon consciousness includes ecological concept, equality idea, reasonable consumption view and innovation idea.Although the college students' understanding of low carbon consumption, low carbon life and other related concepts is on the rise, there are also some problems, such as low carbon awareness is weak, the understanding of low carbon is too one-sided and the separation of knowledge and behavior is too partial.These are urgent problems that need to be solved.The cultivation of low carbon consciousness of college students can be carried out through the relevant courses, social practice activities, campus culture construction and college students' self-education and other ways to cultivate the low carbon awareness of college students.This paper is divided into three parts:The first part discusses the moral connotation of low-carbon consciousness.Starting from the origin of the concept of low carbon, this paper defines the concept of low carbon consciousness by discussing the process of expanding the concept of low carbon from the economic field to the political field and the field of ethics.On this basis, the main connotation of low-carbon consciousness on the moral level is expounded.The second part: deeply analyzes the present situation and the reason of the low carbon consciousness of college students.Through summing up the current situation of low carbon consciousness of college students, it is pointed out that although the awareness of low carbon consciousness of contemporary college students is rising, there are still some problems such as separation of knowledge and behavior that affect the formation of correct low carbon consciousness.Aiming at the existing problems, the author puts forward some solutions for cultivating the low carbon consciousness of college students.The third part: talking about the cultivation and practice path of college students'low carbon consciousness.In order to cultivate college students with correct low carbon consciousness, we should focus on four aspects: ecological concept, equality concept, consumption idea and innovation ability, and explore the effective way to cultivate low carbon consciousness of college students.In order to make college students become low-carbon people, they need the joint efforts of school, society and family.


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1 郭群;李敏;殷黄林;;五年制师范生环保意识的培养研究[J];才智;2014年05期




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