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发布时间:2018-04-11 10:24

  本文选题:高等教育大众化 + 独立学院 ; 参考:《陕西科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校大学生生,尤其是独立学院学生的就业问题关系到我国高等教育事业的发展前程,关系到广大人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求,关系到建设社会主义和谐社会的目标。努力办好人民满意的教育,教学、学生就业问题是人民最关心、最现实、最直接的利益问题。我国进入全面建成小康社会的决定性阶段的形势下,我们依然要坚持优先发展教育,尤其是高等教育,在发展教育的同时更要关注学生就业问题。全面贯彻党的方针政策,坚持办好教育为人民服务。十八大报告中明确指出:我国的社会主义建设取得了新进步,社会建设正在朝着和谐、稳定、繁荣的方向发展。我国教育事业的发展代表了中国最广大人民的根本利益的发展方向。近年来,在国家鼓励、支持多种形式办学以及高等教育大幅度扩大招生规模的背景下,我国高等教育大众化程度进一步提高。据国家统计局统计:2011年,我国普通高等教育本科、专科招生人数共为682万人,在校大学生为2309万人,毕业生人数为608万人,与2001‘年相比分别增加了361万、1405万和475万人。人数逐年增长的就业大军将何去何从,已成为人们广泛关注的热点问题。 当今,我国普通高校特别是独立学院的入学率不断提高,适龄青年上大学的比例也大幅度上升,这就意味着毕业生人数也在逐年增长,就业压力已成为严峻考验。如何做好独立学院毕业生的就业指导管理工作,关系到社会稳定和数百万学生及其家长的切身利益。 科学研究是一个不断发现问题、提出问题、解决问题的过程。本文分为五个部分:第一部分是绪论,主要讲述了研究的背景和意义,国内外研究状况以及创新点;第二部分介绍独立学院是高等教育大众化的必然产物,对独立学院的发展历程、现状和特点进行简单的介绍;第三部分介绍独立学院就业管理现状;第四部分是以调查问卷的形式对独立学院毕业生以及用人单位等进行调查,对调查结果进行分析,得出结论,给出建议;第五部分是对独立学院学生就业管理方法的思考,即对开展全程化独立学院学生就业管理指导,提出了作者自己独特的观点和建议。 本文的研究聚焦投向独立学院教育质量与学生就业管理指导上,并进行机理分析,落脚在可操作性的实际对策与举措上。深入考虑如何将基础理论研究成果与毕业生就业实际相结合,教会大学生解决实践问题的方法是国内普通高校特别是独立学院必须面对的一个现实问题,这势必要求独立学院要从教育教学中面临的就业问题入手,从总结教育教学实践过程的典型经验中去深化,把全程化就业指导作为新生入学教育的契入点,贯穿始终。重点抓住两个环节:一是教育教学这个环节,强化师资队伍建设。二是全程化就业指导。
[Abstract]:College students, especially the employment of independent college students is related to the future development of higher education in China, the broad masses of the people's growing material and cultural needs, related to the construction of socialist harmonious society. The teaching of educational efforts to run people's satisfaction, and the employment problem of students is the people most concerned about, the most realistic. The most direct interests. China has entered the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society situation, we still have to adhere to give priority to the development of education, especially higher education, in the development of education at the same time we must pay more attention to the employment problem of students. To fully implement the party's principles and policies, adhere to the education service to the people. The eighteen report clearly pointed out: China's socialist construction has made new progress, social development is towards harmony, stability, prosperity and development. The development of education in our country On behalf of the development direction of the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people Chinese. In recent years, the State encourages and supports a variety of modes of education and greatly enlarged the scale of enrollment of Higher Education under the background of higher education popularization degree of our country further improved. According to the National Bureau of Statistics: in 2011, China's higher education undergraduate, college enrollment a total of 6 million 820 thousand people, students 23 million 90 thousand people, the number of graduates was 6 million 80 thousand, compared with 2001 years' increased by 3 million 610 thousand, 14 million 50 thousand and 4 million 750 thousand. The number of increasing workforce will decide on what path to follow has become a hot issue, people's attention.
Today, colleges and universities in our country especially the independent college enrollment rate of school-age youth continues to improve, the proportion of college has increased greatly, which means that the number of graduates is increasing year by year, the employment pressure has become a serious challenge. How to do the work of employment guidance and management of Independent College graduates, related to social stability and millions of students and the parents' interests.
Scientific research is an ongoing problem, put forward the problem, the problem solving process. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly describes the research background and significance, research status at home and abroad as well as innovation; the second part introduces the Independent College of higher education is the inevitable product of education popularization, the course of development independent college, introduces briefly the present situation and characteristics; the third part introduces the current situation of employment management of independent college; the fourth part is in the form of a questionnaire survey of independent college graduates and employers, analyze the results of the survey concluded that the recommendations are given; the fifth part is the thinking method of independent college students employment management that is, to carry out the whole process of independent college students employment management guidance, the author puts forward his own views and suggestions.
This study focused on independent college education quality and student employment management guidance, and mechanism analysis. Based on the actual operational strategies and initiatives. Further consideration of how basic theory research and graduate employment practice, teach students to solve practical problems is the domestic colleges and universities especially in independent college a real problem must be faced with the employment problem, which requires the independent college must face from education and teaching, to deepen the typical experience from the teaching practice process, the whole process employment guidance as freshmen education point, throughout. The focus on two aspects: one is the link of education teaching, strengthen the construction of teachers team. The two is the whole process employment guidance.



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