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发布时间:2018-04-11 19:22

  本文选题:高校 + 大学生 ; 参考:《山西大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:慈善事业是我国社会保障体系的重要组成部分,对利用社会力量、调动民间资源、促进社会和谐起着重要的作用。而慈善事业的健康发展,必须有良好的慈善意识作指导。慈善意识就是人们在社会实践活动中形成的一种对慈善的认知、判断和感知能力。慈善意识有助于增强人们的社会责任感,提高人口素质,是国际教育的新思潮,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要保证。当代大学生是社会主义建设的栋梁,是实现四个现代化的中坚力量,是延续民族崛起梦想的时代寄托,是国家和民族的希望。然而,当前我国正处在社会转型期,矛盾凸显,道德滑坡,功利文化和浮躁思想盛行,在此影响下,不少大学生只知索取不知奉献,慈善意识淡薄,社会慈善方面的法律、法规还不健全。因此,培育大学生的慈善意识,引导他们塑造正确的人生观和价值观,使其成为中国慈善事业的积极热心者和参与者。 鉴于此,本文从论述当代大学生慈善意识培养的时代价值入手,通过对大学生慈善意识现状的实证调查,分析了当代大学生慈善意识的现状,在深入分析形成此现状的因素基础上,对如何培养大学生良好的慈善意识提出了较为可行的途径,以此来引导大学生提升个人道德修养和实现社会价值。
[Abstract]:Charity is an important part of social security system in China. It plays an important role in utilizing social power, mobilizing folk resources and promoting social harmony.And the healthy development of charity, must have a good sense of charity as a guide.Charity consciousness is a kind of cognition, judgment and perception of charity formed by people in social practice.Charity consciousness helps to strengthen people's sense of social responsibility and improve the quality of the population. It is a new trend of thought in international education and an important guarantee for the construction of a harmonious socialist society.Contemporary college students are the pillars of socialist construction, the backbone of the realization of the four modernizations, the era of continuing the dream of national rise, the hope of the country and the nation.However, at present, our country is in the social transition period, the contradiction is prominent, the moral decline, the utilitarian culture and the impetuous thought prevail, under this influence, many university students only know the request does not know the dedication, the charity consciousness is weak, the social charity aspect law,The laws and regulations are not yet sound.Therefore, we should cultivate college students' charity consciousness, guide them to shape correct outlook on life and values, and make them active enthusiasts and participants in Chinese philanthropy.In view of this, this paper discusses the contemporary value of the cultivation of charity consciousness of college students, through the empirical investigation of the status quo of charity consciousness of college students, analyzes the current situation of charity consciousness of contemporary college students.On the basis of deep analysis of the factors forming the present situation, this paper puts forward a more feasible way to cultivate the good charity consciousness of college students in order to guide them to enhance their personal moral accomplishment and realize their social value.


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1 陈鸿雁;魏艳;;大学生慈善意识调查研究[J];教育与职业;2013年05期




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