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发布时间:2018-04-11 20:19

  本文选题:当代大学生 + 文化 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:文化是一个民族智慧的结晶,在个人生活以及国家的发展中都具有重要的作用。文化自信是一个人、一个民族、一个政党对自身文化的坚定信心,坚持文化自信能够提高自身的文化素质,增强民族自豪感,推动我国文化的发展、壮大。当代大学生是祖国未来的中流砥柱,正处于文化学习的关键时期,培养当代大学生的文化自信是整个社会良性发展的需要。当前我国正处于全面建设小康社会的关键时期,需要不断推动文化的发展;但全球化的快速蔓延、网络的虚拟化使多元文化相互激荡,这都使得当代大学生的文化自信发生了变化。因此,研究当代大学生文化自信的现状,分析当代大学生文化自信缺失的主要原因,并有针对性地提出增强当代大学生文化自信的有效对策,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文通过问卷调查,从传统文化、现代文化、西方文化三个方面对当代大学生的文化观念、文化心理和文化实践进行了调查,并结合网络相关调查,获得了许多真实、客观的数据和材料,论述了当代大学生文化自信的现状,即当代大学生文化自信的整体情况是好的,大部分学生都叹服我国文化的博大精深,逐步认同我国的文化价值观,并愿意参与文化实践。同时探讨了当代大学生文化自信缺失的表现:文化认知积极性欠缺、文化忧患意识淡薄、文化消费心理失衡、文化践行自觉性欠佳;从经济发展的文化困境、教育内容的被动接受、虚拟空间的潜移默化、文化弱势的心理驱使、人文素养的主观忽视五个方面分析了当代大学生文化自信缺失的原因;提出了增强当代大学生文化自信的教育对策:培养当代大学生的文化认知积极性、增强当代大学生的文化安全意识、注重当代大学生的文化消费教育、营造当代大学生良好的文化学习环境、鼓励当代大学生自觉践行民族文化。
[Abstract]:Culture is the crystallization of a nation's wisdom and plays an important role in personal life and the development of the country.Cultural self-confidence is the firm confidence of a person, a nation and a political party to their own culture. Insisting on cultural self-confidence can improve their own cultural quality, enhance national pride, and promote the development and growth of Chinese culture.Contemporary college students are the mainstay of the future of the motherland and are in the key period of cultural learning. It is necessary for the whole society to develop their cultural self-confidence.At present, our country is in the critical period of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and we need to constantly promote the development of culture, but with the rapid spread of globalization, the virtualization of network makes multiculturalism agitated each other.All this makes the cultural confidence of contemporary college students change.Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the present situation of cultural self-confidence of contemporary college students, to analyze the main reasons for the lack of cultural self-confidence of contemporary college students, and to put forward effective countermeasures to strengthen the cultural self-confidence of contemporary college students.Through the questionnaire survey, this paper investigates the cultural concept, cultural psychology and cultural practice of contemporary college students from three aspects of traditional culture, modern culture and western culture.Based on the objective data and materials, this paper discusses the present situation of cultural self-confidence of contemporary college students, that is, the overall situation of cultural self-confidence of contemporary college students is good, most students are impressed by the broad and profound culture of our country, and gradually identify with the cultural values of our country.And willing to participate in cultural practice.At the same time, this paper discusses the expression of cultural self-confidence deficiency of contemporary college students: lack of enthusiasm of cultural cognition, weak consciousness of cultural distress, imbalance of cultural consumption psychology, poor consciousness of cultural practice, and cultural dilemma of economic development.The passive acceptance of educational content, the subtle change of virtual space, the psychological drive of cultural weakness, and the subjective neglect of humanistic literacy have analyzed the reasons for the lack of cultural self-confidence of contemporary college students.This paper puts forward the educational countermeasures to strengthen the cultural self-confidence of contemporary college students: to cultivate the cultural cognition enthusiasm of contemporary college students, to enhance the cultural safety consciousness of contemporary college students, and to pay attention to the cultural consumption education of contemporary college students.To create a good cultural learning environment for contemporary college students and encourage them to consciously practice national culture.


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