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发布时间:2018-04-12 16:49

  本文选题:青年教师 + 现状 ; 参考:《遵义医学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高等教育大众化进程,青年教师已经成为我国高等教育的中坚力量。他们的发展在很大程度上决定着高校乃至我国高等教育发展的速度、水平和质量。对青年教师这个特殊群体的生存现状和发展需要的研究,成为当前高等教育发展研究的重要命题。 本研究基于教师职业生涯周期理论,分析其影响因素,并对国内外关于大学青年教师现状研究文献进行梳理。在此基础上,随机选取贵州省高等学校663名青年教师为研究对象,通过问卷调查和访谈等方法对青年教师现状进行深入调查研究。 本研究从人口学特征、工作与生活状况、教学与科研状况、思想状况等4个方面,全面分析了青年教师在学习、工作和生活中所面临的现实困境与挑战。研究发现,青年教师普遍处于各种压力之中,身心健康状况不容乐观,缺乏专业发展平台和相应的激励机制,教学与科研积极性受挫,长此以往,势必对高校发展产生不良影响。 最后,针对以上问题,提出关注与行动的具体建议。一是关爱青年教师,提高青年教师薪酬福利待遇;二是鼓励青年教师参与民主管理,激发主人翁意识;三是加大教学科研支持力度,促进青年教师专业发展;四是关注青年教师身心健康,引导青年教师自我压力调适;五是构建特色大学文化,促进青年教师职业认同感的回归。
[Abstract]:With the popularization of higher education, young teachers have become the backbone of higher education in China.Their development to a large extent determines the speed, level and quality of higher education in colleges and universities and even in China.The research on the survival status and development needs of the special group of young teachers has become an important proposition in the research of the development of higher education.Based on the theory of teachers' career cycle, this study analyzes the influencing factors, and combs the literature on the current situation of young college teachers at home and abroad.On this basis, 663 young teachers in colleges and universities of Guizhou Province were randomly selected as the research objects, and the present situation of young teachers was investigated by questionnaire and interview.From the aspects of demography, work and life, teaching and scientific research, and ideological situation, this study comprehensively analyzes the practical difficulties and challenges faced by young teachers in their study, work and life.The study found that young teachers are generally under various pressures, their physical and mental health is not optimistic, they lack professional development platforms and corresponding incentive mechanisms, and their enthusiasm for teaching and scientific research is frustrated.It is bound to have a negative impact on the development of colleges and universities.Finally, in view of the above question, puts forward the concern and the action concrete proposal.First, to care for young teachers and improve their salary and welfare; second, to encourage young teachers to participate in democratic management and arouse the sense of ownership; third, to strengthen the support of teaching and scientific research to promote the professional development of young teachers;The fourth is to pay attention to the physical and mental health of young teachers, to guide young teachers to adjust their own pressure, and to construct the characteristic university culture to promote the return of young teachers' professional identity.


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