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发布时间:2018-04-13 01:38

  本文选题:兵团精神 + 办学理念 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:石河子大学是与共和国同龄的一所独特的高等学校,是兵团高等教育事业的结晶。在历史进程中,石河子大学办学理念受到大学所处的社会环境和自身传统等多种因素的影响,历经从单一的教学机构转变为集教育、科研与服务为一体的多元化大学,从兵团边缘走向新疆中心的变迁。大学是建立在价值系统和文化之上的组织,兵团文化作为兵团高校立足的根基,其核心理念兵团精神必然对兵团高校的发展有着特殊的规范和制约作用。同时兵团精神作为石河子大学之魂,,支撑着石河子大学的发展与壮大。探讨兵团精神与石河子大学办学理念的关系,对我国地方和西部高校以及兵团各级各类学校的发展,乃至当前的教育改革有着重要的现实意义。 本文以办学理念与兵团精神问题为核心,讨论的重点是兵团精神内在价值取向对石河子大学办学理念的影响。文章从历史社会学角度通过石河子大学发展的四个时期,对兵团屯垦戍边环境和兵团精神的核心概念进行分析与提炼,基于韦伯的卡里斯玛理论论证兵团精神所具有的独特性质,进而彰显兵团精神作用于石河子大学办学理念的影响力。兵团精神和大学办学理念都属于主观领域的价值观念,其影响是微妙、复杂且难以把握的,虽不如制度因素实在和明确,但其作用却是不可忽视的。由于直接探究兵团精神与石河子大学办学理念关系难度较大,所以本文通过系统比较各时期兵团精神与石河子大学办学理念论证其内在一致性,进而说明其影响程度。 兵团精神作为卡里斯玛观念,以独特的影响方式,从遗传与环境、制度与文化、内与外影响着石河子大学办学理念的形成与变更。四院校创建时期,“艰苦奋斗、自力更生”的南泥湾精神和“热爱祖国”的革命军队精神是兵团精神最鲜明的特征,体现在学校就是自力更生、艰苦奋斗校风的养成和立足兵团、服务新疆的爱国服务理念的彰显;恢复振兴时期,兵团市场经济的改革和屯垦戍边实践重心的转移,赋予兵团精神开放包容与改革创新的新内涵,体现在学校就是多层次、多规格的开放办学模式的形成,学校向教学、科研与服务多元化大学转变,以开放的理念进行学术交流和访问;在大学成立时期,非传统安全的凸显要求兵团精神与时俱进,发挥其文化战略力量,而石河子大学以其独特的办学理念,以与兵团精神内在高度一致的主旋律:服务与贡献,将培养维稳与戍边人才为第一要务,探索出了人才流向新疆的独特机制。如今,石河子大学处于新跨越式发展的历史阶段,作为建设新疆、保卫新疆的人才库,必须要利用兵团精神的文化战略力量,增强新疆意识形态领域的凝聚力,从战略高度履行非传统安全新使命,支撑兵团发挥建设大军、中流砥柱、铜墙铁壁作用,是挑战更是机遇。
[Abstract]:Shihezi University is a unique institution of higher education in the same age as the Republic . It is the crystallization of higher education . In the course of history , the concept of school running in Shihezi university is influenced by various factors , such as social environment and self tradition .

This paper focuses on the idea of school running and the spirit of the regiment , and discusses the influence of the inner value orientation of the regiment spirit on the school running idea of Shihezi University .

The spirit of the regiment is the formation and change of the concept of school running in Shihezi University in the spirit of inheritance and environment , system and culture , inner and outside influences on the formation and change of school - running idea of Shihezi University . The spirit of the revolutionary army of " hard struggle , self - reliance " and " heat - loving motherland " is the most distinctive feature of the regiment spirit .
The reform of the army ' s market economy and the transfer of the practical center of practice of garrison command in the period of renewal , the reform of the army ' s market economy and the new connotation of the reform and innovation are embodied in the formation of multi - level , multi - standard open school - running mode in schools , the transformation of schools to teaching , scientific research and service , and the exchange and access of academic exchanges and academic exchanges with an open idea ;
At the time of the establishment of the university , the non - traditional security highlights the spirit of the regiment advancing with the times , playing its cultural strategic power , and the Shihezi University , with its unique school - running concept , has explored the unique mechanism of the talented persons to Xinjiang . Today , the Shihezi University is in the historical stage of the new leap - over development . As a talent pool in Xinjiang , it is necessary to use the cultural strategic power of the corps spirit to strengthen the cohesive force in the ideological field of Xinjiang , and to carry out the new mission of non - traditional security from the strategic height .



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