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发布时间:2018-04-13 05:42

  本文选题:化工类 + 毕业生 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学毕业生踏入职场的前三年基本属于入职后的适应期,在个人职业生涯发展阶段上处于探索期。毕业后三年内的毕业生面临着诸多问题,诸如职位变动等问题。本论文研究的职位变动是广义的,其中包括:离职、升职、本单位内更换工作岗位等情况。 目前,企业员工的高离职率等问题制约企业的快速发展,给企业人力资源管理带来了难题;同时,企业培养优秀员工、储备优秀人才会给企业的发展带来新的活力和行业竞争优势。本文以H大学化工类近三年毕业生(本科生)为例,通过问卷调查法,定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,对H大学化工类毕业生进行追踪调研、化工企业访谈等形式,详细调查了目前化工企业中新员工离职、更换工作岗位、升职的情况;并且根据调研数据分析了影响H大学化工类毕业生离职的原因。化工类企业可以通过本调查研究得到启示,根据企业对人才的特定要求,制定详细的员工培训计划,,帮助新员工制定职业生涯发展规划,设计合理的薪酬和绩效管理体系等,为企业发展积聚优秀的人才。本论文根据对化工类企业人力资源部门的访谈,拟在高校引入人力资源管理的理念,为在校化工类学生制定合理的职业生涯规划、加强职业教育、利用企业和高校的优势联合培养大学生,为企业提供优秀人才。 面对激烈的市场竞争,不仅企业需要制定合理的人才培养计划,高校也应该引入人力资源管理理念,创新学生管理培养模式,为社会培养高素质人才。
[Abstract]:The first three years of college graduates entering the workplace basically belong to the adaptation period after entering the profession, and in the stage of personal career development, they are in the exploration period.Three years after graduation, graduates face many problems, such as job changes.In this paper, the post changes are generalized, including: turnover, promotion, job turnover and so on.At present, the high turnover rate of employees in enterprises restricts the rapid development of enterprises, which brings problems to the management of human resources of enterprises. At the same time, enterprises train excellent employees.The reserve of outstanding talents will bring new vitality and competitive advantage to the development of enterprises.Taking the chemical graduates (undergraduates) of H University in recent three years as an example, through the methods of questionnaire, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, this paper makes a follow-up investigation on the chemical graduates of H University, and interviews with chemical enterprises, etc.This paper makes a detailed investigation of the current situation of new employees leaving, changing their jobs and promoting them in chemical enterprises, and analyzes the reasons that affect the resignation of chemical graduates of H University according to the survey data.Chemical enterprises can draw inspiration from the investigation and study. According to the specific requirements of the enterprises, they can formulate detailed staff training plans, help new employees to formulate career development plans, design reasonable compensation and performance management systems, etc.Accumulate outstanding talents for the development of enterprises.Based on the interview with the department of human resources in chemical enterprises, this paper intends to introduce the concept of human resource management in colleges and universities, to formulate reasonable career planning for chemical students in schools, and to strengthen vocational education.Use the advantage of enterprises and universities to jointly train college students to provide excellent talents for enterprises.In the face of fierce market competition, not only enterprises need to formulate reasonable talent training plans, but also colleges and universities should introduce the concept of human resources management, innovate the training mode of student management, and train high-quality talents for the society.


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