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发布时间:2018-04-13 06:00

  本文选题:台湾高校 + 服务学习 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:服务学习通过引导学生参与到有组织的社会服务中,在满足社会需要的同时,培养学生的知识、品格与技能。近年来,服务学习作为一种推动学生的个人成长与公民责任养成的新策略,逐渐在台湾兴起。随着高等教育改革的深化,服务学习这一创新性的教育理念与方法也引起了越来越多的专家学者的重视,但总体而言大陆对于服务学习的研究与认识还是非常欠缺的,尤其是对台湾高校服务学习的研究几乎一片空白。因此我们有必要对台湾高校服务学习的开展情况做一个全面、透彻的认识与了解。 本文运用大量质性的实证资料探讨台湾服务学习开展的现状,总结其经验与不足,进而提出对大学生社会实践的启示与思考。全文分为四个部分。 第一部分是绪论,包括选题缘起、国内外研究成果综述以及本文的研究思路与方法。本文主要采取质性的实证研究,以案例、表格、图片、内容分析等多样灵活的方式,生动地展现台湾服务学习的现况。 第二部分研究了台湾高校服务学习的兴起历程与开展现况。台湾高校服务学习的兴起经历了三个阶段,包括服务学习的前身,服务学习概念的引进和服务学习在台湾高校的大范围推广。关于它的开展现况本文从台湾高校服务学习的主要类型、组织管理、实施过程以及成效问题四个方面进行分析。 第三部分总结了台湾高校开展服务学习的经验,包括台湾政府在政策与经费上的支持,完善的保障体系,服务学习目标理念的本土化、特色化,服务学习开展方式的灵活性和在实施过程中注重指导与反思等等。 第四部分结合台湾高校开展服务学习的经验和目前大陆大学生社会实践面临的问题提出推进高校实践育人机制创新的启示,并以案例方式呈现服务学习在大陆高校实践运用的初步探索。
[Abstract]:By guiding students to participate in organized social services, service learning fosters students' knowledge, character and skills while meeting the needs of society.In recent years, as a new strategy to promote students' personal growth and civic responsibility, service learning has gradually emerged in Taiwan.With the deepening of the reform of higher education, service learning, an innovative educational concept and method, has attracted more and more attention from experts and scholars, but in general, the research and understanding of service learning in mainland China is still very lacking.In particular, the study of service learning in Taiwan's colleges and universities is almost a blank.Therefore, it is necessary for us to make a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the development of service learning in Taiwan's colleges and universities.This paper discusses the current situation of service learning in Taiwan by using a large number of qualitative empirical data, summarizes its experience and shortcomings, and then puts forward the enlightenment and thinking to the social practice of college students.The full text is divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction, including the origin of the topic, research results at home and abroad as well as the research ideas and methods.This paper mainly adopts qualitative empirical research, with cases, tables, pictures, content analysis and other flexible ways to vividly show the current situation of service learning in Taiwan.The second part studies the rise and development of service learning in colleges and universities in Taiwan.The rise of service learning in colleges and universities in Taiwan has experienced three stages, including the predecessor of service learning, the introduction of the concept of service learning and the promotion of service learning in Taiwan colleges and universities.This paper analyzes the main types, organization and management, implementation process and effectiveness of service learning in universities in Taiwan.The third part summarizes the experience of service learning in Taiwan's colleges and universities, including the support of Taiwan government in policy and funding, the perfect security system, the localization and characterization of the concept of service learning goal.The flexibility of service learning and the emphasis on guidance and reflection in the process of implementation.In the fourth part, combining the experience of service learning in Taiwan's colleges and universities and the problems facing the mainland college students' social practice at present, the author puts forward the enlightenment of promoting the innovation of university practice education mechanism.And presents the service learning service study in the mainland university practice application preliminary exploration by the case way.


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