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发布时间:2018-04-13 10:20

  本文选题:大学生 + 道德情感 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生作为社会存在的特殊群体,他们的思想意识、行为举止、道德品质都将影响中国未来的发展。接受过良好教育的他们本应是天之骄子,但是,近年关于大学生负面新闻多有出现,其道德问题引起了社会各界的议论。大学生的道德问题形成的原因之一是道德情感的缺失。而在以往对大学生的道德教育中道德情感的培养没有受到足够的重视。本文基于大学生自身道德情感特征,分析了大学生的道德现状及问题产生的情感原因。通过深入分析,在此基础上将理论研究与实践指导相结合,提出有针对性的道德情感培育机制。 全文主要分为五个部分,具体如下: 第一部分为引言,这一部分主要论述了选题背景与选题意义、研究现状、研究思路与研究方法。 第二部分是具体阐述了大学生道德现状与道德情感。从相关数据中我们可以发现大学生道德现状主流是积极向上的,但一部分大学生还存在着严重的道德问题。研究表明,大学生道德情感的缺失是出现道德滑坡现象的重要原因。 第三部分是大学生的道德情感缺失与大学生的道德问题。道德情感是道德品质的重要组成部分,在人的行为品质中起着关键作用。结合大学生自身特点,,深入分析后发现大学生的道德问题产生是由道德情感缺失所导致。 第四部分是提出大学生道德情感缺失的原因。主要从家庭、学校和社会三方面进行系统的阐述。笔者重点从父母错误的教育观念、学校偏重形式化的道德教育和社会风气等重要因素进行了剖析。 第五部分是详细探索了大学生道德情感培育机制。这一部分是全文的重点,结合道德情感特点和大学生自身道德情感的独特性,从大学生道德情感实际出发,提出了道德情感培育原则、内容、方法和手段。笔者在道德情感培育内容中增加了民族道德心理,既发扬了本民族的传统文化,又对当今大学生道德情感培育和人格修养等方面具有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:As a special social group, college students' ideology, behavior and moral quality will affect the future development of China.They have received good education, but in recent years, there are many negative news about college students, their moral issues have aroused the discussion of all walks of life.One of the reasons for the formation of moral problems of college students is the lack of moral emotion.In the past, the cultivation of moral emotion in the moral education of college students was not paid enough attention.Based on the moral emotional characteristics of college students, this paper analyzes the moral status of college students and the emotional causes of the problems.On the basis of in-depth analysis, this paper combines theoretical research with practical guidance, and puts forward a targeted cultivation mechanism of moral emotion.The full text is divided into five parts, as follows:The first part is the introduction, this part mainly discusses the background and significance of the topic, research status, research ideas and research methods.The second part is the concrete elaboration university student morals present situation and the moral emotion.From the relevant data, we can find that the mainstream of college students' moral status is positive, but some college students still have serious moral problems.The study shows that the lack of moral emotion is an important reason for the phenomenon of moral decline.The third part is the lack of moral emotion of college students and the moral problems of college students.Moral emotion is an important part of moral quality and plays a key role in human behavior.Combined with the characteristics of college students, it is found that the moral problems of college students are caused by the lack of moral emotion.The fourth part is to put forward the reasons for the lack of moral emotion of college students.Mainly from the family, school and social three aspects of systematic elaboration.The author analyzes the important factors, such as the wrong educational concept of parents, the emphasis on formal moral education and social ethos in schools.The fifth part explores the cultivation mechanism of college students' moral emotion in detail.This part is the focus of the full text, combining the characteristics of moral emotion and the uniqueness of college students' own moral emotion, starting from the reality of moral emotion of college students, puts forward the principles, contents, methods and means of cultivating moral emotion.The author adds the national moral psychology to the content of moral emotion cultivation, which not only develops the traditional culture of the nation, but also has reference significance to the cultivation of moral emotion and personality cultivation of college students.


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