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发布时间:2018-04-13 09:34

  本文选题:大学生 + 生命 ; 参考:《山西农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:生命教育是依据生命的特征,遵循生命发展的原则,以学生自身潜在的生命基质为基础,通过选择优良的教育方式唤醒生命意识,启迪精神世界,开发生命潜能,提升生命质量,关注生命的整体发展,使其成为充满生命活力,具有健全人格和鲜明个性,掌握创造智慧的活动。对当代大学生开展生命教育是现代社会和时代发展之必然,是中国特色高等教育发展之使然,也是促进当代青年学生全面发展之实然。当代大学生面对物质经济迅速发展、政治体制变革创新、竞争压力日趋严重的社会现实,如果把接受生命教育作为全面提高自身综合素质的一个重要环节,建立个人与自我、与他人、与社会、与自然乃至宇宙的和谐关系,正确认识生命、关爱生命、珍惜生命,真正体现生命的意义和价值,对于当代大学生健康成长、走向成功、立志成才具有重要的现实意义。 本文从生命和生命教育入手,对目前大学生生命教育的现实情况、价值追求、体系构建以及实施途径进行了深入分析和详细论述,首先,根据本课题的研究背景,提出了本课题在实际应用中的理论意义和现实意义,概括阐述了国内和国外的研究现状、研究方法,这是整个论文的研究前提;其次,对生命和生命教育的概念界定和特点研究,指出大学生生命教育的意义,并且从生命教育的理论依据出发,从历史和现实的不同角度分析了大学生实施生命教育的依据,这是整个论文的理论基础;最后,关于大学生生命教育的实践教育本文进行了详细的分析和研究,大学生生命教育要以社会主义核心价值体系为指导思想,遵循发展性、生活化和整合性的原则,将生命意识教育、忧患意识教育、和谐意识教育和奉献意识教育作为主要内容,并且加强审美教育、心理健康教育和实践教育,构建一个完整的教育体系,使得大学生能够更好地认识生命,珍爱生命,创造并提升生命的价值,最终达到生命个体与自然、与社会、与自我的和谐。
[Abstract]:Life education is based on the characteristics of life, the principle of life development, the potential life matrix of students themselves, the awakening of life consciousness through the choice of excellent education methods, the enlightenment of the spiritual world and the development of life potential.Improve the quality of life, pay attention to the overall development of life, make it full of life vitality, with sound personality and distinct personality, master creative wisdom activities.Life education for contemporary college students is the necessity of the development of modern society and times, the development of higher education with Chinese characteristics, and the reality of promoting the all-round development of contemporary young students.In the face of the rapid development of material economy, the innovation of political system and the increasingly serious competition pressure, contemporary college students are faced with the social reality. If the acceptance of life education is regarded as an important link to improve their comprehensive quality, they should establish themselves and themselves.The harmonious relationship with others, with society, with nature and even with the universe, the correct understanding of life, care for life, cherish life, truly reflect the significance and value of life, for contemporary college students to grow healthily, to success,The determination to become a talent has important practical significance.Starting with life and life education, this paper makes a deep analysis and detailed discussion on the reality, value pursuit, system construction and implementation of life education for college students. Firstly, according to the research background of this subject,The theoretical and practical significance of this subject in practical application is put forward, and the present research situation and research methods both at home and abroad are summarized. This is the premise of the whole thesis. Secondly,This paper studies the definition and characteristics of life and life education, points out the significance of life education for college students, and analyzes the basis of life education for college students from different angles of history and reality, based on the theoretical basis of life education.This is the theoretical basis of the whole thesis. Finally, this paper makes a detailed analysis and research on the practical education of college students' life education. College students' life education should take the socialist core value system as the guiding ideology and follow the developmental nature.The principle of life integration and integration takes life consciousness education, suffering consciousness education, harmony consciousness education and dedication consciousness education as the main contents, and strengthens aesthetic education, mental health education and practice education.By constructing a complete educational system, college students can better understand life, cherish life, create and enhance the value of life, and finally achieve the harmony between individual and nature, society and self.


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