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发布时间:2018-04-13 18:24

  本文选题:留学生 + 国际教育 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着世界最大教育出口国美国和最大教育进口国中国教育合作的不断深入,随着越来越多的中国学生选择留学美国,中美两国教育贸易快速发展中国国际留学生成为世界各教育大国教育出口的最主要目标对于中国教育而言,如何找出留学背后成因以及中国教育存在的问题;对于美国教育而言,如何确定影响中国留学生选择的因素,控制并稳定增长留学生数量;对于留学生个人而言,如何理性正确的对待留学选择;以上问题都使研究中国赴美留学生移动率具有重要现实意义,同时对于中美两国互相借鉴教育经验具有推动作用 本文首先对留学生国际教育留学生移动率和推拉理论等概念进行多方位诠释,并对各国际教育组织美国国际教育门户网站Open Doors,国际经合组织OECD,国际教育协会IIE等进行介绍以保证研究数据的真实有效,并依据著名的推拉理论进行逐层分析留学生移动的背后成因尤其在对推拉理论的产生发展的梳理基础上,提出了推拉理论模型的创新型延伸和发展,更利于理论的发展和对留学生移动的研究在推拉理论基础上,分类得出影响留学生移动率背后的各层面的成因,再运用问卷及采访等形式收集数据,在SPSS因子分析,,相关分析和回归分析的基础上对新推拉理论下各层面因素对留学生选择影响进行科学分析并验证理论的有效性及可行性,从而得出相应结构方程最终对于影响中国国际留学生移动的主要推拉力因素进行合理化分析,并给出建设性意见,其主要包含中国教育层面的学生教育评价系统的适当改革,中国留学教育安全部门加强留学生安全教育以及中国留学生个人增强自我管理等方面
[Abstract]:As the United States, the world's largest exporter of education, and the largest importer of education, China, continue to deepen their educational cooperation, as more and more Chinese students choose to study in the United States,The most important goal of the rapid development of Chinese international students' education trade between China and the United States is how to find out the causes behind studying abroad and the problems existing in Chinese education for Chinese education.For American education, how to determine the factors that affect the choice of Chinese students, how to control and steadily increase the number of foreign students, and how to deal with the choice of studying abroad rationally and correctly;All of the above make the study of the mobility rate of Chinese students to the United States of America have important practical significance, at the same time, it can promote the mutual reference of educational experience between China and the United States.Firstly, this paper interprets the concepts of mobility rate and push-pull theory of international students in international education.In order to ensure the validity of the research data, the author introduces the international educational organizations, such as Open Doors, OECD OECDand IIE, etc.Based on the famous push-pull theory, this paper analyzes the causes behind the movement of foreign students, especially on the basis of combing the emergence and development of the push-pull theory, and puts forward the innovative extension and development of the push-pull theory model.More conducive to the development of theory and research on the movement of foreign students on the basis of push-pull theory, the classification of the causes of influencing the mobility rate of foreign students at all levels, and then use questionnaires and interviews to collect data in the SPSS factor analysis,On the basis of correlation analysis and regression analysis, this paper makes a scientific analysis of the influence of various factors on the selection of foreign students under the new push-pull theory and verifies the validity and feasibility of the theory.Thus, the corresponding structural equation is obtained to rationalize the main push and pull factors affecting the movement of Chinese international students, and some constructive suggestions are given, which mainly include the appropriate reform of the evaluation system of students' education at the educational level in China.Safety Education for overseas students and Self-management for Chinese students


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