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发布时间:2018-04-14 03:18

  本文选题:大学生 + 忧患意识教育 ; 参考:《重庆工商大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:忧患意识是一个古老而又全新的话题,古来有之,中西皆存。忧患意识在中国历史上发挥过积极的作用,它推动中华民族整体主义精神的形成,促进中国传统道德的产生和发展,是构成中华民族精神的精髓所在,是推动社会不断向前发展的一种精神动力。目前中国的发展正处于一个新的历史起点上,经济建设飞速发展,人民生活明显改善,社会面貌发生了巨大变化。但是,随着全球经济和社会相互依存程度的加深,当今中国大学生的忧患意识匮乏,高校大学生忧患意识教育面临诸多的问题。本文立足于这一背景,通过实证调查对大学生忧患意识现状和高校大学生忧患意识教育面临的问题进行了具体的分析,总结了改革开放以来大学生的忧患意识教育经验,并对如何有效开展大学生忧患意识教育对策进行了研究。 全文共分五章,第一章,绪论,就本文的选题背景,研究现状以及拟采用的研究方法,对研究基本思路、方法和主要创新点进行了说明。 第二章,,研究我国大学生忧患意识教育的内涵及其重要意义。主要对忧患意识的历史渊源、内涵以及大学生忧患意识教育的内涵作分析,并在此基础上阐释研究当代大学生忧患意识教育的重要意义。 第三章,对大学生忧患意识现状进行分析。主要对改革开放以来我国大学生忧患意识教育的发展历程进行回顾,通过实证调研法,较为系统、全面地梳理现阶段我国大学生忧患意识缺失的具体表现。 第四章,研究当代大学生忧患意识教育所面临的问题。主要对我国大学生忧患意识教育的基本经验进行系统总给,并分析我国大学生忧患意识教育存在的不足之处。 第五章,对如何有效开展大学生忧患意识教育的对策进行了研究。从遵循正确原则、丰富教育内容、创新主要方法、拓展有效途径以及加强理论研究等五个方面提出了应对策略。
[Abstract]:The consciousness of suffering is an old and new topic.The consciousness of suffering has played a positive role in the history of China. It promotes the formation of the Chinese nation's holistic spirit and promotes the emergence and development of Chinese traditional morality, which is the essence of the Chinese nation's spirit.It is a kind of spiritual motive force that promotes the society to develop continuously.At present, the development of China is at a new historical starting point, the economic construction is developing rapidly, the people's life has obviously improved, and the social outlook has undergone tremendous changes.However, with the deepening of the degree of interdependence between the global economy and the society, there are many problems in the education of the anxiety consciousness of college students in China.Based on this background, this paper makes a concrete analysis of the current situation of college students' anxiety consciousness and the problems faced by college students' anxiety consciousness education, and summarizes the experience of college students' suffering consciousness education since the reform and opening up.And how to effectively carry out the college students'awareness of suffering education countermeasures were studied.The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. It explains the basic ideas, methods and main innovation points of the research on the background, research status and research methods to be adopted in this paper.The second chapter studies the connotation and significance of the education of college students'suffering consciousness in our country.This paper mainly analyzes the historical origin, connotation and connotation of the consciousness of suffering for college students, and on this basis explains the important significance of studying the education of the consciousness of suffering of contemporary college students.The third chapter analyzes the current situation of college students'sense of suffering.This paper reviews the development course of college students' anxiety consciousness education since the reform and opening up in our country. Through empirical investigation, it systematically and comprehensively combs the concrete manifestation of our country's college students' lack of anxiety consciousness at the present stage.The fourth chapter studies the problems faced by the contemporary college students.This paper mainly gives the basic experience of our country's college students' suffering consciousness education, and analyzes the deficiency of our country's university students' suffering consciousness education.In the fifth chapter, the author studies how to carry out the education of college students'anxiety consciousness effectively.The countermeasures are put forward from five aspects: following the correct principle, enriching the educational content, innovating the main methods, expanding the effective ways and strengthening the theoretical research.


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