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发布时间:2018-04-14 04:23

  本文选题:本科生导师制 + 导师支持行为 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:“创新是一个民族的灵魂”。在人才竞争日益增大的今天,培养具有创新精神和实践能力的国际化人才,是当今大学的根本任务。因此,培养大学生创新能力已成为高校人才培养的核心目标。创新能力是一项综合能力,是个体通过运用已知信息产生独特的、新颖的、有社会价值的产品的能力,以及对于创造的积极的心理状态。从20世纪80年代以来,我国关于学生创新能力的研究已十分广泛。有研究者将创新能力概括为创新意识、创新思维和创新技能三部分,其核心是创新思维。如今,大学本科教育的本质是通识教育,不同于基础教育,大学教育是通过知识的传授、学习氛围的营造、能力的锻炼帮助学生在心智和才智两方面协调发展。起源于十四世纪英国牛津、剑桥大学等国外大学的本科生导师制,,在新生入校之初为学生配备导师,在学习、科研训练、生活等方面为学生提供指导,使得学生不仅获得学业上的指导,更为学生的心灵成长提供了巨大帮助。如今,随着信息时代的发展,社会对人才要求的不断提高,越来越多的高校实施了本科生导师制,其内容形式也多种多样。大量学者也开始研究本科生导师制的开展对学生成长成才方面的影响,大大拓展了该项研究的深度和广度。但关于本科生导师制的开展对于学生创新能力的研究少之又少。本文将从本科生导师制中导师支持行为入手,探索导师制当中导师对学生的指导对于学生创造力倾向的影响。 本文首先通过文献阅读整理国内外本科生导师制研究现状,明确界定本文所研究的本科生导师制概念。同时结合企业管理当中领导支持行为相关概念,引入本科生导师支持行为核心概念,结合前人研究从导师制中导师对学生的学习支持、情感支持、科研支持、信息支持四个维度对电子科技大学经济与管理学院352名大学生进行问卷调研,广泛收集本科生导师制中导师支持行为描述,整合、归类形成本科生导师支持行为量表。结合威廉斯创造力倾向量表,运用SPSS17.0软件和AMOS18.0对研究假设进行检验。研究表明:本科生导师支持行为对学生创造力倾向有正向影响,主要表现在对学生情感的支持、学习的支持、信息的支持、科研的支持四个方面。 本研究将企业管理当中领导支持行为概念引入教育领域,开发出本科生导师支持行为测量量表,是对本科生导师制研究的深入和拓展,同时探索导师制的开展对于学生创造力倾向的影响,在方式和思路上是一次新的尝试。研究结论有助于高校进一步完善和开展本科生导师制,具有现实意义。
[Abstract]:Innovation is the soul of a nation.Nowadays, the competition for talents is increasing day by day. It is the basic task of universities to cultivate international talents with innovative spirit and practical ability.Therefore, the cultivation of innovative ability of college students has become the core goal of talent training.The ability to innovate is a comprehensive ability, which is the ability of individuals to produce unique, novel and socially valuable products through the use of known information, as well as the positive psychological state of creation.Since 1980's, the research on students' innovation ability has been very extensive in our country.Some researchers generalize the innovation ability into three parts: innovation consciousness, innovative thinking and innovative skills, the core of which is innovative thinking.Nowadays, the essence of undergraduate education is general education, which is different from basic education. College education is through the transfer of knowledge, the construction of learning atmosphere, and the training of ability to help students to develop their mind and intelligence harmoniously.The undergraduate tutoring system, which originated in the 14th century at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England, provides guidance to students in the study, scientific research and training, life, and so on at the beginning of the freshmen's entrance to the university.Students not only get academic guidance, but also provide great help for students' spiritual growth.Nowadays, with the development of the information age and the continuous improvement of the demand for talents, more and more colleges and universities have implemented the undergraduate tutorial system, and its content forms are also varied.A large number of scholars have also begun to study the impact of undergraduate tutoring system on the growth of students, greatly expanding the depth and breadth of the study.However, there is little research on the innovation ability of undergraduates.In this paper, the author tries to explore the influence of tutors' guidance on students' creative tendency from the perspective of mentors' support behavior in the tutorial system of undergraduate students.Firstly, this paper defines the concept of undergraduate tutorial system in this paper by reviewing the current situation of undergraduate tutorial system at home and abroad.At the same time, combining with the concept of leadership support behavior in enterprise management, introducing the core concept of undergraduate tutor support behavior, combining with previous studies from the tutorial system of tutors to students' learning support, emotional support, scientific research support,In this paper, 352 college students in the School of Economics and Management, University of Electronic Science and Technology were investigated with four dimensions of information support, and the undergraduates' tutor support behavior description was collected, integrated and classified to form the undergraduate tutor support behavior scale.SPSS17.0 software and AMOS18.0 were used to test the research hypotheses.The research shows that the supportive behavior of undergraduate tutors has a positive effect on the students' creative tendency, which is mainly manifested in four aspects: emotional support, learning support, information support and scientific research support.In this study, the concept of leadership support behavior in business management is introduced into the field of education, and an undergraduate tutor support behavior measurement scale is developed, which is an in-depth and extended study of undergraduate tutoring system.At the same time, it is a new attempt to explore the influence of tutoring system on students' creative tendency.The conclusion is helpful to improve and develop the undergraduate tutorial system in colleges and universities, which is of practical significance.


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