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发布时间:2018-04-14 17:14

  本文选题:大学治理结构 + 实证研究 ; 参考:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:After entering the University from governance to the vision of researchers and scholars from the idea of the University, CO governance, principal agent theory in many aspects and so on. But the research of university governance in the past is focus on the construction of the ideal of governance, ignoring the anatomy and analysis of Chinese university governance structure of real state solution. Perfecting the governance structure of the University, can not copy others, can only be achieved through institutional innovation China University, and the premise of system innovation is to understand and grasp the depth, is able to quantitatively the governance structure of Chinese University emerged. Therefore, this study is very necessary. First of all in this paper, has been on the university governance structure on the basis of the literature, looking for innovation and breakthrough. Around the topic of university governance structure in our country, the "university governance" and "University The related concept of governance structure are defined, expounds the theoretical foundation of this research, social network analysis theory and governance theory. Secondly, the perspective of quantitative social network analysis of the core measure of university governance structure in our country -- the power structure. This research will be divided into six seed power of university governance structure, the the social network analysis method to measure the power structure of the six seed density, centrality, and role analysis. To simplify the power network structure of the University, and summarizes all kinds of decision in the University, the University of school leadership, the administrative department and the professional institute's status and role, provides the basis for further study on the governance of the University. Finally, based on the analysis of the current governance structure of school sample description, study found that the university leadership and administrative departments in the leading position, with With the decline of the decision-making, leadership power decline, teaching institutions power increasing. Among them, compared with public schools, private colleges relative decentralization; compared with the colleges of higher vocational colleges, the relative decentralization. In this study, through the analysis of the actual current governance structure, we hope to seek effective ways to help the good university governance structure.



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