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发布时间:2018-04-14 18:00

  本文选题:留学生 + 留学生管理工作 ; 参考:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育国际化大背景下,各国高等教育之间的联系与交流在不断的加深,世界学生的国际性流动越来越频繁,留学生教育也随之不断得到发展。在我国,随着来华留学生人数的增多,留学生结构越来越复杂,需要认真研究我国留学生管理工作中的诸多问题,例如:在教学管理方面,没有与留学生汉语水平相配套专用教材;没有利用好教育硬件资源在留学生管理当中的作用;在行政管理方面,缺乏对留学生系统的就业指导;在后勤管理方面,在留学生环境适应方面没有专门的咨询和协助指导;在文化适应方面,缺乏不同国籍之间留学生、留学生和本国学生之间的交流等。规范、有效的管理是提高我国留学生教育质量的重要手段,因此,立论研究我国高校留学生管理就具有重要的现实意义。 本文运用文献研究法、历史研究法、比较研究法对立论研究。我国高校留学生管理的问题,宏观层面上讲,是发展我国留学生教育,提升我国高校国际知名度,推进我国高等教育国际化的需要。微观层面上讲,是提高我国高校留学生管理服务水平,为我国高等院校解决留学生管理问题提供实践思路的需要。 留学生管理是做好留学生教育工作的重要途径,是促进留学生教育改革与发展、实现留学生教育目标、提高留学生教育质量的重要手段,更是促进我国教育国际化发展的一个重要部分。只有切实加强留学生管理,推进留学生管理创新,提高留学生管理水平,才能按照国际化发展的要求,实现我国留学生教育的健康可持续发展,提高我国教育的国际影响力和竞争力。 我国高校留学生管理应积极借鉴国外发达国家留学生管理的经验。在对策方面,应当重视国际学生市场,加强对外招生信息的宣传,增强高校的国际竞争力。根据留学生需要开发多元化的学习课程,同时,重视国际化课程的开发与建设。管理过程中,积极鼓励社会参与留学生管理,倡导以人为本的服务理念。总之,针对我国留学生管理中的主要问题,借鉴别国的先进,努力改革和建设具有中国特色的高校留学生管理服务体系,提高留学生管理工作的水平。
[Abstract]:Under the background of internationalization of higher education, the contacts and exchanges between the higher education of various countries are deepening, the international flow of students in the world is becoming more and more frequent, and the education of foreign students has been developing constantly.In our country, with the increase of the number of foreign students coming to China, the structure of foreign students is becoming more and more complicated, so it is necessary to study many problems in the management of foreign students in our country, for example, in the field of teaching management.There are no special teaching materials to match the Chinese level of foreign students; the role of the hardware resources of education in the management of foreign students is not well utilized; in the aspect of administration, there is a lack of guidance for the employment of foreign students in the system; and in the aspect of logistics management,In the aspect of cultural adaptation, there is a lack of communication between students of different nationalities and between students of different nationalities.Standardized and effective management is an important means to improve the quality of foreign students' education in China. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to discuss and study the management of foreign students in colleges and universities in China.This paper uses literature research, historical research, comparative research to study the theory.The problem of the management of foreign students in colleges and universities in our country is the need to develop the education of foreign students in our country, to promote the international popularity of our universities and to promote the internationalization of higher education in our country.On the micro level, it is necessary to improve the service level of foreign students management in colleges and universities, and to provide practical ideas for colleges and universities to solve the problems of foreign students management.The management of foreign students is an important way to do a good job in the education of foreign students. It is also an important means to promote the reform and development of foreign students' education, to realize the goal of international students' education and to improve the quality of international students' education.It is also an important part of promoting the internationalization of education in China.Only by strengthening the management of foreign students, promoting the innovation of the management of foreign students and improving the level of management of foreign students can we realize the healthy and sustainable development of the education of overseas students in our country in accordance with the requirements of international development.Improve the international influence and competitiveness of our education.The management of foreign students in colleges and universities in China should learn from the experience of overseas students from developed countries.In the aspect of countermeasures, we should pay attention to the international student market, strengthen the publicity of foreign enrollment information and enhance the international competitiveness of colleges and universities.According to the needs of foreign students to develop a variety of learning courses, at the same time, attach importance to the development and construction of international courses.In the process of management, we encourage the society to participate in the management of foreign students and advocate the service concept of people-oriented.In a word, aiming at the main problems in the management of foreign students in our country, we should learn from the advanced situation of other countries, make great efforts to reform and build the management service system with Chinese characteristics, and improve the level of the management of foreign students.


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