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发布时间:2018-04-15 02:36

  本文选题:高等教育 + 区域经济 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着知识经济的进一步加深,高等教育与经济发展的互动越发明显,高等教育与经济的相互关系一直是国际国内研究的热点,保持高等教育与经济的协调发展有利于提高我国的综合实力,有利于提高国际竞争力,有利于增强社会的稳定。对于地区而言,研究高等教育与区域经济的协调发展,为区域经济与高等教育政策的制定与调整提供依据,加强高等教育与区域经济的紧密结合,实现经济与高等教育的良性互动,增强地方的办学特色,凸显地区的经济优势。 本文根据国家统计局划分标准,将我国分成东、中、西三区域,依托10年的统计数据,对三大区域的高等教育与经济发展的协调性进行了分析研究。首先,从高等教育规模与经济规模、就业人口与毕业人口、就业层次结构与高等教育层次结构等三方面,对高等教育与经济发展的现状进行了分析,在初步的分析中可以得出无论是规模上还是结构上都不尽合理,这是影响协调度的重要因素。其次,本文对2000-2009年的数据进行收集与整理,选取高等教育与经济发展共计21项指标210组数据,通过因子分析得出高等教育综合评价值与经济发展综合评价值,并借助于灰色关联分析对东、中、西三区域以及区域内各省的协调性进行了测评,测评发现西部协调测评值最高,中部协调测评值最低,测评值高的地区不一定发展水平就高,测评值低的地区不一定发展水平就低,并对原因进行了探析。文章最后根据不同地区的情况从中央政府、地方政府、高校以及企业方面提出了相关建议,并指出本文的研究不足,以及提出未来在理论和实证方面需要深入研究的主要方向。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of knowledge economy, the interaction between higher education and economic development is becoming more and more obvious.To maintain the harmonious development of higher education and economy is conducive to the improvement of our country's comprehensive strength, to the enhancement of international competitiveness and to the strengthening of social stability.For the region, the study of the coordinated development of higher education and regional economy provides the basis for the formulation and adjustment of regional economy and higher education policy, and strengthens the close integration of higher education and regional economy.To realize the positive interaction between economy and higher education, to strengthen the local characteristics of running schools, and to highlight the regional economic advantages.According to the criteria of the National Bureau of Statistics, this paper divides our country into three regions: East, Middle and West. Based on the statistical data of 10 years, this paper makes an analysis and research on the coordination of higher education and economic development in the three regions.First of all, this paper analyzes the current situation of higher education and economic development from three aspects: the scale of higher education and the economic scale, the employment population and the graduate population, the employment hierarchy structure and the higher education hierarchy structure.In the preliminary analysis, it can be concluded that neither the scale nor the structure is reasonable, which is an important factor affecting the degree of coordination.Secondly, this paper collects and collates the data from 2000 to 2009, selects 210 groups of data of 21 indexes of higher education and economic development, and obtains the comprehensive evaluation value of higher education and economic development by factor analysis.With the help of grey relational analysis, the coordination of the east, middle and west regions and the provinces in the region are evaluated. It is found that the western region has the highest evaluation value, the central region has the lowest value, and the area with the high evaluation value does not necessarily have a high level of development.The area with low evaluation value does not necessarily have a low level of development, and analyzes the reasons.Finally, according to the situation of different regions, this paper puts forward the relevant suggestions from the central government, local governments, universities and enterprises, and points out the insufficiency of the research in this paper, and points out the main directions for further research in theory and practice in the future.


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