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发布时间:2018-04-15 13:43

  本文选题:铁人精神 + 当代大学生 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:铁人精神是以“铁人”王进喜为代表的大庆石油工人,在特殊的社会环境和背景下,运用、活用毛泽东思想的立场、观点和方法,在中国石油大会战中自力更生、艰苦奋斗的实践中逐步形成的一种民族精神。在以后的社会发展中,在我国社会主义现代化建设中,一代又一代石油人,不断丰富、充实这种精神,并形成了一个完整的理论体系。如果说社会主义核心价值体系是大学生思想政治教育的精神旗帜,那么铁人精神则是大学生思想政治教育的精神动力。随着社会经济体制改革和对外开放程度不断加大、高等教育的不断发展,大学生思想政治教育面临着许多新的问题和挑战。其中最大的挑战在于当前大学生的价值诉求与传统价值观念发生了激烈的冲突。 本研究充分研究铁人精神的形成发展等各阶段,并以铁人精神对现代社会、当代大学生的教育意义为出发点,进一步论述铁人精神在当代大学生思想政治教育中是富有价值的,在物质生活富足的今天,人们仍然需要这种精神,当代大学生更需要这种精神的滋养。 全文共分为五个章节,第一章为绪论,从宏观上讨论铁人精神的研究情况。第二章是理论研究部分,简述铁人精神的形成过程,深入剖析铁人精神为众人所接受的原因。进一步研究铁人精神的丰富内涵和探讨认识铁人精神的方法。第三章是重点章节,通过调查研究,分析当前大学生思想现状及价值诉求,从而找到大学生思想政治教育与铁人精神实质的契合点,并得出结论:当前大学生思想教育需要一种精神作为前进的推动力,作为努力的激发剂,而铁人精神正是这种激发剂。第四章论述如何将铁人精神导入到当代大学生思想政治教育中,使铁人精神的精神价值内化为大学生的优秀思想品质,从而引导学生树立正确价值观,坚定理想信念,选择人生道路。第五章是结论,铁人精神并没有随着时间的推移而远去,相反,面对物欲横流的社会现实,人们迫切需要铁人精神作为人生指导,当代大学生更是如此。
[Abstract]:The Ironman spirit is a kind of Daqing petroleum worker, represented by "Iron Man" Wang Jinxi. Under the special social environment and background, the position, viewpoint and method of Mao Zedong's thought are used to help themselves in the battle of PetroChina.A national spirit gradually formed in the practice of hard struggle.In the later social development, in the socialist modernization construction of our country, generation after generation of petroleum people, constantly enriched, enriched this spirit, and formed a complete theoretical system.If the socialist core value system is the spiritual banner of college students' ideological and political education, then the iron man spirit is the spiritual motive force of college students' ideological and political education.With the reform of the social economic system and the increasing degree of opening to the outside world and the continuous development of higher education, the ideological and political education of college students is facing many new problems and challenges.The biggest challenge lies in the fierce conflict between the value demands of college students and traditional values.This study fully studies the various stages of the formation and development of the iron man spirit, and with the educational significance of the iron man spirit to the modern society and contemporary college students as the starting point, further discusses that the iron man spirit is valuable in the ideological and political education of the contemporary college students.In the material life of today, people still need this spirit, contemporary college students need the nourishment of this spirit.This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is an introduction, from the macro point of view to discuss the study of Ironman spirit.The second chapter is the theoretical research part, briefly describes the formation process of Ironman spirit, deeply analyzes the reason why Ironman spirit is accepted by all.Further study the rich connotation of Ironman spirit and explore the method of understanding Ironman spirit.The third chapter is the key chapter, through the investigation and research, analyzes the present university student thought present situation and the value demand, thus finds the university student ideological and political education and the iron man spirit essence the joint point.It is concluded that the current ideological education of college students needs a kind of spirit as the driving force to advance and as the activator of effort, and the iron man spirit is this kind of activator.The fourth chapter discusses how to introduce the Ironman spirit into the ideological and political education of contemporary college students, so that the spiritual value of Ironman spirit can be internalized into the excellent ideological quality of college students, so as to guide the students to establish correct values and strengthen their ideals and beliefs.Choose the path of life.The fifth chapter is the conclusion, the iron man spirit has not gone away with the passage of time, on the contrary, people urgently need the iron man spirit as the guidance of life in the face of the social reality of material desire, especially the contemporary college students.


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