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发布时间:2018-04-15 13:27

  本文选题:美国高校 + CIO ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, the bibliometric method is used to analyze the CIO system papers from the aspects of literature quantity, periodical distribution and author distribution, respectively, and find out the research direction and purpose of this paper.In the first chapter, by using the method of literature and comparative analysis, the author discusses the development of the CIO system in American colleges and universities in the aspects of education, age, title, role analysis, duty, quality and so on.Understand all aspects of CIO in colleges and universities.The second chapter uses the case analysis method to discuss the three most representative models of the CIO system in the United States, that is, the classical model of the president responsibility system of the University of California, Berkeley, in the United States.The auxiliary model of the University of Chicago and the CIO system model of DOIT formed by the University of Wisconsin Madison through IT reorganization enable our colleges and universities to recognize the CIO system of American universities.In the third chapter, the author discusses the experience of introducing the CIO system into American colleges and universities in the selection and training of CIO talents.This paper points out that the Chinese CIO system is the alternative way to construct the CIO system in our country, starting from the problems of the informationization of colleges and universities in our country at the present stage.


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2 赵婷;中信启航基金与美国CIO基金的比较研究[D];广西大学;2015年




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