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发布时间:2018-04-15 21:46

  本文选题:卓越法律人才 + 教育培养理念 ; 参考:《现代教育管理》2013年06期

[Abstract]:The Plan of Education and training of excellent legal talents is put forward in view of the disadvantages of the current mode of training legal talents in our country.The construction of the education and training mode of outstanding legal talents should start from the following aspects: innovating the concept of "five important and five light", transforming the concept of excellent education and training to the ability of attaching importance to the application of law, optimizing the training scheme of legal talents,Forming the "five echelon" talent training pattern of colleges and universities and practical departments, designing the course system, developing high quality teaching materials, organizing teaching team, constructing the practice base, strengthening the practice teaching link of law, forming the "five echelon" talents training pattern of colleges and universities, and strengthening the practice teaching of law.Constructing the "248" practical course teaching system with two "bases", four "platforms" and eight "special training" contents, reconstructing the practical teaching evaluation system, forming the teacher's evaluation to the students and the university's evaluation to the teachers, and constructing the teaching system of "248" practical course with two "bases", four "platforms" and eight "special training".The closed loop system is composed of the evaluation of colleges and universities by practical departments and the evaluation of students by practical departments.
【作者单位】: 沈阳工业大学;
【基金】:2012年度辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学改革研究项目“卓越应用型法律人才培养模式研究” 2011年度沈阳工业大学教育教学改革研究项目“卓越应用型法律人才培养模式研究”


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