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发布时间:2018-04-16 01:13

  本文选题:大学生 + 利益 ; 参考:《南京农业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the progress of society and the development of higher education, the main body consciousness of college students is constantly strengthened, their personality is bright, their thoughts are active, and they have the characteristics of independence, variability and difference.As the interest demands of college students are becoming more and more intense during the school period, they put forward more and higher demands on their own rights and legitimate interests.They want to reflect their opinions and suggestions and express their interests through various ways and channels.Although colleges and universities in our country have already begun to recognize, respect and protect the main status of college students and their rights and interests, and have initially established a mechanism for expressing the interests of college students, this is a gradual and gradual process of perfection.Need to have a scientific and perfect mechanism system to support and protect the interests of the student community expression.Under this background, the theoretical problems involved in the mechanism of expressing the interests of college students, as well as the problems and shortcomings reflected in the practice of this mechanism, are the indispensable links to perfect the mechanism.This study mainly uses the methods of literature, questionnaire and interview to analyze and comb the present situation, problems and reasons of the expression mechanism of college students' interest demands.The basic research idea of this paper is to first explain the interest demand expression and the mechanism of interest demand expression of college students; then according to the data of questionnaire and interview, the present situation of the interest demand expression mechanism of college students is discussed.Finally, according to the research and analysis of the problems, the author focuses on the countermeasures and suggestions to improve and perfect the expression mechanism of university students' interest demands.Through the investigation, we know that there are still many problems and deficiencies in the construction of the mechanism of expressing the interests of college students in our country, such as the imperfect mechanism of cultivating consciousness, the imperfect mechanism of expressing channels, the untimely mechanism of dealing with feedback.Leadership guarantee mechanism is not in place.In the process of expressing their own interests, college students often encounter obstacles and problems, which leads to the existence of unstable factors on campus, and will have a negative impact on the development of schools and college students at the same time.Therefore, improve and perfect the expression mechanism of college students' interest demands, make the interests of college students fully expressed and effectively reflected, so that the interests of students can be effectively dealt with and timely feedback.It is an inevitable way to guarantee the students' main position and realize the students' basic interests.In view of this, the author according to his own research and understanding, combined with the analysis and combing of the existing problems, targeted and innovative put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions, trying to establish and improve the all-round awareness training mechanism.This paper studies and discusses how to construct a relatively scientific and perfect mechanism for expressing the interests of college students from four aspects: the multi-channel mechanism of expression of demands, the timely and effective mechanism of handling and feedback, and the mechanism of comprehensive leadership and security.Thus, it provides theoretical support for the more effective maintenance and protection of the legitimate rights and interests of college students and for the effective handling of the interests of college students.


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