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发布时间:2018-04-16 02:11

  本文选题:新媒体环境 + 高校校园文化 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:加强校园文化建设对于推进高等教育改革发展、加强和改进大学生思想政治教育、全面提高大学生综合素质,具有十分重要的意义。胡锦涛同志在清华大学建校百年时从国家战略角度明确赋予了大学文化传承和创新的历史使命,这是他在肯定大学既往的社会文化发展贡献力的同时对高校在新的历史发展时期提出的新要求和新期待。大学校园精神作为大学校园文化的灵魂和核心,其德育功能的发挥和文化传承与创新使命的完成,都离不开对其进行有效传播。随着数字媒体技术、信息技术和移动通信技术的发展,网络、手机、微博、博客等新兴媒体纷纷出现,形成了全新的媒体环境。大学校园精神要获得有效传播必须适应新媒体环境的形成发展。在新媒体环境下大学校园精神传播呈现出很多新的特征,例如传播方式更具双向交互性、传播范围更趋整体开放性、传播形式更具多样融合性、传播时效更显多向即时性等。 新媒体环境下大学校园精神传播主体认识基础较好,传播的受众面得以极速扩大,传播容量日趋增大,传播形式更加现代化,这些使得传播效果得以快速提升。但我们也看到新媒体环境下校园精神传播的重要性遭忽视、传播难度加大、传统校园精神传播的权威被消解、校园主流网站吸引力受到挑战,同时传播还受到来自西方和国内敌对势力的种种威胁。全面分析新媒体环境对大学校园精神传播的影响对提高传播的时效性至关重要。 面对新媒体环境下大学校园精神传播获得的种种机遇、受到的诸多挑战和威胁,如何抓住机遇、迎接挑战、应对威胁,创新大学校园精神传播途径,是大学校园文化建设亟待解决的重大问题。在新媒体环境下大学校园精神传播创新可以借助传播学理论,从传播要素角度出发探讨传播过程的优化。为此可以加强新媒体环境下校园精神传播队伍建设,培育新型校园精神传播队伍来优化主体条件;通过开辟校园精神传播网络新平台,整合传统媒体与新媒体,倡导“校园公民记者”自觉传播,设立并完善新闻发言人制度以促进传播媒介的融合;通过增强校园精神传播启动时效,优化校园精神传播运行过程,完善校园精神传播保障体系,强化校园精神传播效果等措施以完善传播机制来促进校园精神传播过程的整体有效进行。
[Abstract]:Strengthening the construction of campus culture is of great significance to promote the reform and development of higher education, to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students, and to improve the comprehensive quality of college students in an all-round way.When he founded Tsinghua University for 100 years, Comrade Hu Jintao clearly entrusted the historical mission of university culture inheritance and innovation from the perspective of national strategy.This is the new request and expectation that he put forward to the university in the new historical development period while affirming the contribution of the social and cultural development of the university in the past.As the soul and core of university campus culture, the moral education function and the completion of cultural heritage and innovation mission are inseparable from the effective dissemination of the spirit of university campus.With the development of digital media technology, information technology and mobile communication technology, network, mobile phone, Weibo, blog and other emerging media have emerged, forming a new media environment.College campus spirit must adapt to the formation and development of new media environment in order to get effective communication.In the new media environment, there are many new features in the campus spiritual communication, for example, the communication mode has more two-way interaction, the communication scope is more open, the communication forms are more diverse and integrated, and the communication time is more multi-directional and immediate, and so on.Under the new media environment, the main body of campus spiritual communication has a good understanding foundation, the popularity of communication can be expanded rapidly, the capacity of communication is increasing day by day, and the form of communication is more modern, which makes the communication effect to be rapidly improved.However, we also see that the importance of campus spiritual communication in the new media environment has been neglected, the difficulty of spreading the campus spirit has been increased, the authority of the traditional campus spiritual communication has been dispelled, and the appeal of the campus mainstream website has been challenged.At the same time, the spread was also threatened by hostile forces in the West and at home.It is very important to analyze the influence of the new media environment on the campus spiritual communication in order to improve the timeliness of communication.In the face of all kinds of opportunities, challenges and threats in the new media environment, how to seize the opportunities, meet the challenges, deal with the threats, and innovate the way of the campus spiritual communication.It is an important problem to be solved urgently in the construction of university campus culture.In the new media environment, we can explore the optimization of the communication process from the angle of communication elements with the help of the theory of communication.Therefore, we can strengthen the construction of campus spiritual communication team under the new media environment, cultivate a new campus spiritual communication team to optimize the main conditions, and integrate traditional media and new media by opening up a new network platform for campus spiritual communication.Advocate "campus citizen reporter" self-conscious communication, set up and perfect the news spokesman system to promote the integration of the media, optimize the campus spirit communication operation process by strengthening the campus spirit communication starting time,To improve the campus spirit communication security system, strengthen the campus spirit communication effect and other measures to improve the communication mechanism to promote the campus spirit communication process as a whole effective.


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