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发布时间:2018-04-16 12:27

  本文选题:生态文明 + 气候变化 ; 参考:《南京信息工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的不断进步和科技的发展,人类进入了生态文明社会,生态文明水平的高低成为了衡量一个国家和社会进步的重要标志,减缓气候变化的意识与行为水平是生态文明建设的一个重要组成部分。本文以当代大学生为主要研究对象。当代大学生作为一个重要的社会群体,是国家和社会发展的中坚力量,对于保护环境、减缓气候变化有着不可推卸的责任,他们气候变化意识的强弱和行为水平的高低对于国家和社会乃至全人类的发展都有着至关重要的作用。通过本文所作的问卷调查显示,大学生对于气候变化问题的关注度较高,但是认识的程度不深,虽然愿意为减缓气候变化作出自己的努力,但是真正落实到行动上的不多,表现出了“知行不一”的特点,而这与大学生缺乏系统的气候变化教育有着很大的关系。 高校作为大学生气候变化教育的主阵地,对于提高大学生的气候变化意识与行为水平有着不可推卸的责任。本文以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,通过运用教育心理学、素质教育理论、教学法等有关理论和方法,分析了目前高校在进行气候变化的相关教育上存在的问题,主要包括高校气候变化教育的相对滞后、高校教师气候变化素养的缺乏以及教学方式的单一等方面,通过深入分析,完善了大学生气候变化教育的方式方法,认为应该加强高校领导的环境意识,健全相关制度、加强校园环境的软硬件建设,构建“低碳校园”、加强高校气候变化教育教学资源的建设、改进气候变化教育课程设置以及拓展气候变化教育的形式来帮助提高学生的气候变化认知和行为水平。此外,大学生作为社会的一份子,他们所接受的气候变化的相关教育自然也离不开社会各方面的的积极配合,更需要重视内因的作用,不断约束自己的行为,只有多方面相互配合,才能从根本上提高大学生的气候变化认知水平和行为能力,为大学生形成一个正确的自然观提供良好的氛围。
[Abstract]:With the progress of the society and development of science and technology, human society into the ecological civilization, ecological civilization level has become an important indicator to measure a country and social progress, the mitigation of climate change the level of consciousness and behavior is an important part of ecological civilization construction. In this paper, the Contemporary College Students as the main research object of contemporary. College students as an important social group, is the backbone of the country and social development, to protect the environment, climate change has an unshirkable responsibility, their climate change awareness and behavior level plays a crucial role for the state and society and the whole human development. A questionnaire survey through this paper, the problem of climate change for university students of the high degree of concern, but the level of understanding is not deep, although willing to make for the mitigation of climate change Their efforts, however, do not really carry out their actions, showing the characteristics of "knowledge and behavior is different", which is closely related to the lack of systematic climate change education for college students.
Colleges and universities as the main position of climate change education for college students, has an unshirkable responsibility to improve the students' level of awareness of climate change and behavior. Based on the Marx Lenin doctrine, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" and Scientific Outlook on Development as the guide, through the use of educational psychology, the theory of quality education, and related theory the method of teaching, analyzes the existing in the relevant education on climate change in present problems, including the relative lag of climate change education, climate change and the lack of teachers in Colleges and universities teaching methods such as a single area of literacy, through in-depth analysis, to improve the methods of College Students' climate change education, that should be strengthened the leadership of the environmental awareness, improve the system, strengthen the construction of hardware and software of the campus environment, building a "low-carbon campus", strengthen the The construction of college education resource, climate change, climate change and improvement of the education curriculum development climate change education to help improve the climate change awareness and behavior level of the students. In addition, college students as a member of the community, they accept climate change related education nature also cannot do without actively cooperate with all sectors of society the need to pay attention to the internal role, continue to restrict their behavior with each other only in many aspects, in order to fundamentally improve the students' cognitive level and capacity of climate change, a correct view of nature to provide a good atmosphere for the formation of college students.



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1 鲁兴树;简论学校环境教育的原则[J];环境教育;2002年02期




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