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发布时间:2018-04-16 14:33

  本文选题:教师教育 + 精英化 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。国际教育竞争的越发激烈以及新世纪以来我国基础教育大刀阔斧的改革,对教师培养的质量在专业化的基础上提出了更高的要求:教师教育精英化。 近年来,高校数学教育专业在培养目标、课程体系、课程内容等方面进行了一系列改革,但改革的深度和速度仍滞后于基础教育改革和发展的需要,具体表现为:(1)培养目标和课程体系仍以数学学科的建设为主体,过份追注本专业课程的纵向发展忽视学科之间的横向联系,重视专业知识教育忽视教育理论、技能及人文素质教育。(2)课程内容方面,数学类课程的设置与中学教学需要脱节。20世纪以来有关数学研究的新成果又未被引入进课程,与社会发展、科技进步和基础教育需要出现了严重的脱节。(3)课程结构方面不尽合理。首先通识类课程设置旧而少,培养出来的学生文化涵养不高。其次数学专业课程设置多而泛,过于注重理论知识和解题技能的传授,忽视学生学习能力、研究能力和实践能力的培养。再次教育类课程设置不足,且教育实践环节短缺,卓越化培养不够。 在此基础上,笔者结合国内外有关数学教师教育研究的理论成果和数学教师教育改革的实践,基于数学教师教育精英化视野,针对课程设置及实施进行了初步构想。首先从知识结构上:(1)加强文化基础课程。(2)调整数学类课程(3)丰富教育类课程(4)开发“校本课程”。其次从数学专业情意的培养上:(1)美妙的乐章—数学意义的课程体验。(2)培养欣赏数学美的情意,热爱数学及数学教育事业。(3)摒弃“应试数学”思想,深化“数学素质教育”理念。(4)注重创新精神及数学思维的内化培养。最后从教育实践上:(1)教育实践形式及课时数量的丰富。(2)教育实习导师制,卓越化培养。 高校教师教育是培养“人类灵魂工程师”的教育,更要在“精英化”方面下工夫,否则“为人师表”就是一句空洞的口号。“精英化培养”是教师教育发展的基石与归宿。
[Abstract]:A hundred-year plan is based on education; a great plan of education is based on teachers.With the increasingly fierce competition in international education and the drastic reform of basic education in China since the new century, the quality of teacher training has put forward higher requirements on the basis of specialization: the elite of teacher education.In recent years, the major of mathematics education in colleges and universities has carried out a series of reforms in the aspects of training goal, curriculum system, curriculum content, etc. But the depth and speed of the reform still lags behind the need of the reform and development of basic education.The concrete manifestation is that the training goal and curriculum system still take the construction of mathematics as the main body, pay too much attention to the vertical development of the course and ignore the horizontal relation between the subjects, and attach importance to the professional knowledge education and ignore the educational theory.In terms of the content of skills and humanistic quality education, the setting of mathematics curriculum is out of touch with the teaching needs of middle school. Since the 20th century, the new achievements of mathematics research have not been introduced into the curriculum, and the development of society.The scientific and technological progress and the basic education need appeared the serious disconnection.First of all, general courses are old and few, and the cultivation of students' culture is not high.Secondly, there are many and extensive courses in mathematics, which pay too much attention to the teaching of theoretical knowledge and problem-solving skills, and neglect the cultivation of students' learning ability, research ability and practical ability.The re-education curriculum is insufficient, and the education practice link is short, the outstanding cultivation is not enough.On this basis, the author combines the theoretical achievements of mathematics teacher education research at home and abroad and the practice of mathematics teacher education reform, and based on the elite view of mathematics teacher education, the author makes a preliminary plan for curriculum design and implementation.First of all, from the knowledge structure: 1) strengthen the cultural basic curriculum. 2) adjust the mathematics curriculum 3) enrich the education curriculum 4) develop "school-based curriculum".Secondly, from the point of view of cultivating the professional sentiment of mathematics, one) the wonderful movement, the course experience of mathematics meaning, the course experience of mathematical meaning, the emotion of appreciating the beauty of mathematics, the love of mathematics and the cause of mathematics education,) abandoning the thought of "examination-oriented mathematics".Deepening the concept of "Mathematics quality Education". 4) pay attention to the cultivation of innovation spirit and mathematics thinking.Finally, from the perspective of educational practice, the forms of educational practice and the number of class hours are enriched. 2) the system of educational practice tutors, and the cultivation of excellence.Teachers' education in colleges and universities is to train "engineers of human soul", and it is also necessary to make efforts in "excellence", otherwise, "being a teacher" is an empty slogan.Elite cultivation is the cornerstone and destination of the development of teacher education.


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