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发布时间:2018-04-17 05:02

  本文选题:大学生实习 + 人身伤害 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Absrtact: the current labor and social security laws and regulations of our country have not made a clear stipulation on the personal injury of intern college students, and whether they can be regarded as "work-related injuries" in the sense of labor law has great differences.In judicial practice, the personal injury accident of intern college students is usually solved by civil law, but because of the difficulty of relief and limited support ability, they can not get effective relief.Based on this, this paper systematically considers the legal protection of personal injury of intern college students, and tries to provide certain theoretical support for bringing personal injury into the scope of injury and realizing the maximum legal protection.Starting with the analysis of two typical cases of college students suffering from personal injury, this paper introduces the significance of the study on the adjustment of labor and social security law to the problem of personal injury of intern students, and expounds the legal nature of the practice of college students.Combing the disputes about the legal status of intern college students and their legal relationship with practice units, analyzing the current ways of civil legal protection of personal injury of intern students and the difficulties of proving evidence, the premise is insufficient, and the ability is limited.The cost is too high, and then analyze whether the personal injury accident of intern students can be regarded as "industrial injury", and draw lessons from the advanced experience of overseas developed countries and regions on the legal protection of personal injury of intern college students.Innovatively put forward the principle of "incline protection, balance of interests, maximum guarantee", classify and define the situation of applying labor law to practice college students, bring the personal injury of intern students into the scope of work injury, establish compulsory work injury system, widen the channels of legal relief.Through the construction of a comprehensive legal protection system of personal injury for intern students, which is dominated by labor and social security law and supplemented by civil law and so on, the legitimate personal rights and interests of practical college students are ensured.


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