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发布时间:2018-04-17 17:27

  本文选题:留美博士 + 出国动因 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高等教育国际化深入发展,美国作为世界高等教育与科研中心的吸引力日益增强,中国学生留美攻读博士愈发普遍,其规模不断增长,学科范围日渐扩大,毕业后留美比例居高不下,这成为倍受关注的人才流动现象。而在中国与美国人才竞争中,亟需研究这些留美博士的出国动因、归国意向和职业选择。 本文试图从资本理论的角度来探究留美博士的出国行为、归国意向及其职业取向。本研究运用质性研究方法,通过对14位高年级留美博士的两次深度访谈,描述留美博士的出国动因、归国意向与职业取向,透视导致其外在影响因素和内在影响因素,并进而考察三者之间的联系。 留美博士的出国留学受环境层面因素、个人层面因素及重要他人的共同影响,相互作用。留美博士希望通过在海外读博建立社会网络、获取海外知名高校的博士学位,以及接受系统的训练,由此积累符号资本、社会资本和文化资本,并凭借这些资本维持和提升其社会地位,实现阶层流动。 留美博士阶层流动的意愿还表现于其归国意向。从环境层面来说,中美两国的制度环境、就业环境、生活环境以及文化差异等推拉因素影响博士群体的归国意向。而从个人层面来说,家庭因素有着深远的影响。父母职业属于中产及以上阶层,并来自大城市或东部沿海城市的博士生,更倾向于回国就业。就学科而言,人文社科类的博士更倾向于回国。然而,国内的薪酬水平对留美博士生并没有吸引力。 就职业取向而言,博士群体都希望毕业后的职业可以让其达到中产阶层生活水平,希望维持与父母同等甚至高于父母的阶层地位。大部分博士都希望从事学术职业,一方面是出于对学术的兴趣,另一方面是由于学术职业有较高的社会阶层地位。留美博士致力于追求自我价值实现,对于父母属于较高社会阶层的群体而言更是如此,他们实现阶层流动的压力相对较小,而实现自我价值的愿望更加强烈。
[Abstract]:With the further development of the internationalization of higher education, the United States as the world's attractiveness of higher education and scientific research center of increasing, Chinese doctoral students in America have become more and more popular, increasing its size, widening the scope of subject, after graduating from the United States to become the high proportion of this phenomenon is paid more attention in the flow of talent. China and American talent competition. The United States need to study abroad motivation, intention and occupation returning choice.
This paper tries to explore the doctor in the United States abroad behavior from the capital perspective, returning the intention and occupation orientation. This research uses qualitative research methods, through two in-depth interviews of 14 senior doctor in the United States, the United States, the reasons described abroad, returning intention and vocational orientation, resulting in its perspective influence factors and internal factors influence between, and investigate the connection of the three.
The doctor in the United States to study abroad by the environmental factors, the combined effect of individual factors and important others interaction. Dr. America hopes to establish a social network in the overseas study, obtain a PhD in the famous overseas universities, and training system, the accumulation of symbolic capital, social capital and cultural capital, and by virtue of the capital to maintain and improve their social status, to achieve social mobility.
Dr. America mobility will also show on the returning intention. From the environmental perspective, institutional environment, China and the United States employment environment, living environment and cultural differences and other factors, push and pull groups returning intention. From personal perspective, has the profound influence of family factors. Parents' occupation belong to the middle and above class, and doctoral students from the big city or the eastern coastal city, more inclined to return to employment. On the subject, humanities and Social Sciences, more inclined to return home. However, the domestic salary level of doctoral student leaving the United States did not appeal.
On occupation orientation, Dr. group hope after graduation occupation can let to the middle-class living standards, hope to maintain equal or even higher than their parents and parents of the status. Most of Dr. in the hope that the academic occupation, one is for academic interest, on the other hand is due to the academic occupation have higher social status. The doctor in the United States is committed to the pursuit of self realization, the parents are of higher social class groups is even more so, they realize the mobility of the pressure is relatively small, and the realization of self value desire more intense.



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