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发布时间:2018-04-17 23:12

  本文选题:女大学生 + 充分就业 ; 参考:《长春工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在贯彻国家政策前提下,为了提高全民素质,高校招生人数不断增加下,大学生就业难的问题越来越趋于明显化,特别是女大学生就业问题,从现在的形势看,大学生就业难问题已经从个人问题过渡到一个社会问题,对于现在国家提倡构建和谐社会也有一定的负面影响,所以现在社会开始注意女大学生这一特殊群体找工作难的问题。 女大学生就业难并不是待业在家,我们有很多行业也需要女大学生,例如护士、幼教老师等,我们所指的难是相对于性别和专业而言,该论文运用了经济学、人力资源学等学科理论,从性别歧视的视角、不同的行业探究了为什么女大学生毕业就不好找工作这个问题。该文章认为阻碍大学生找工作的因素主要来源于党政机关政策落实的不到位、社会的不公平、用人单位的偏见、女大学生本身的能力等,所以各方面要提出解决的对策,对于党政机关要加大扶持力度,一些法律法规要有可操作性;用人的单位要充分考虑到女大学生的优势,从长远利益出发,合理的利用人力资源;社会良好的环境对于女大学生的发展非常关键;作为女大学生本身来讲就业观念很重要,在大学期间要不断提高自身的素质,全面发展自己。
[Abstract]:On the premise of carrying out national policies, in order to improve the quality of the whole people and with the increasing number of students enrolled in colleges and universities, the problem of employment difficulties of college students is becoming more and more obvious, especially the employment problem of female students. From the current situation,The employment difficulty of college students has been transferred from personal problem to a social problem, which has some negative effects on the construction of a harmonious society in our country, so now the society has begun to pay attention to the problem of the female college students, a special group, who find it difficult to find a job.Female college students are not unemployed at home. We also need female college students in many industries, such as nurses, kindergarten teachers and so on. The difficulty we mean is that the paper uses economics relative to gender and specialty.From the perspective of gender discrimination, the theories of human resources and other disciplines have explored why female college students are not good at finding a job after graduation.This article believes that the factors that hinder college students from finding jobs mainly come from the implementation of the policies of the Party and government organs, the social injustice, the bias of the employing units, the ability of female college students themselves, and so on. Therefore, various aspects should put forward countermeasures to solve this problem.For the party and government organs to increase support, some laws and regulations should be operable, the employing units should fully take into account the advantages of female college students, from the long-term interests of the rational use of human resources;A good social environment is very important for the development of female college students. As a female college student, the concept of employment is very important. During the college period, we should constantly improve their own quality and develop themselves in an all-round way.


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