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发布时间:2018-04-18 07:32

  本文选题:大学生 + 批判性思维养成 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:21世纪强调学生创新能力和创新精神的培养,促进学生的终身全面发展。批判性思维作为创新能力的前提和基础,为学生的个体发展,甚至是教育改革的成败提供了新的契机。因此,在当今时代背景下,对大学生批判性思维的培养与研究对于大学生的发展和高等教育的改革具有全局性的现实意义。然而,目前我国就批判性思维的研究尚处于起步的初始阶段,并未形成统一、完整的科学理论体系。由此,本研究通过对相关文献的归纳整理,在现有研究成果的基础上,对大学生批判性思维的养成问题进行了系统研究,并从课堂文化这一视角对批判性思维的培养提出了一些可行性建议。 首先,,对批判性思维的有关问题进行了界定。在综合前人研究的基础上,对批判性思维的理论进行了梳理,围绕批判性思维的概念、特征、价值诉求及与创造性思维等方面进行了分析、辨别和澄清,并且对我国大学生批判性思维缺失的现状与原因进行了深入扫描与检视。 其次,基于对我国大学生批判性思维缺失现状与原因的深度剖析,结合课堂文化的概念、本质、功能及应然特征等,提出维果茨基的社会文化历史理论对本研究的理论导引作用,并以此作为研究依据。 最后,在前面理论研究的基础上,从构建新型课堂文化的视角对养成大学生批判性思维的有效路径进行探析,围绕确立育人为本的课堂文化理念、培养学生的问题意识、提倡合作学习、构建心灵交融的学术共同体以及制定有利于养成批判性思维的教学评价方式这五个方面提出一些建议,以期为养成大学生批判性思维提供有价值的理论参考。
[Abstract]:The 21st century emphasizes the cultivation of students' innovative ability and spirit, and promotes the students' all-round development for life.Critical thinking, as the premise and foundation of innovation ability, provides a new opportunity for students' individual development and even the success or failure of educational reform.Therefore, under the background of the present era, the cultivation and research of the critical thinking of college students is of practical significance for the development of college students and the reform of higher education.However, at present, the research on critical thinking in China is still in the initial stage, and has not formed a unified and complete scientific theory system.As a result, this study systematically studies the cultivation of critical thinking of college students on the basis of the existing research results through the induction and collation of relevant documents.Some feasible suggestions on the cultivation of critical thinking are put forward from the perspective of classroom culture.First of all, the critical thinking of the relevant issues are defined.On the basis of synthesizing the previous studies, this paper combs the theory of critical thinking, analyzes and clarifies the concept, characteristics, value demands and creative thinking of critical thinking.Furthermore, the present situation and causes of the lack of critical thinking of college students in China are thoroughly scanned and examined.Secondly, based on the deep analysis of the current situation and causes of the lack of critical thinking of college students in our country, combined with the concept, essence, function and characteristics of classroom culture,This paper puts forward the guiding role of Vygotsky's theory of social culture and history to this study, and takes it as the basis of the research.Finally, on the basis of the previous theoretical research, from the perspective of constructing a new type of classroom culture, this paper probes into the effective way to cultivate the critical thinking of college students, and focuses on the establishment of the educational concept of classroom culture and the cultivation of students' awareness of problems.In order to provide valuable theoretical reference for the cultivation of critical thinking of college students, some suggestions are put forward in the following five aspects: to promote cooperative learning, to construct an academic community of spiritual integration and to formulate teaching evaluation methods conducive to the formation of critical thinking.


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