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发布时间:2018-04-18 13:05

  本文选题:辅导员 + 心理契约 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,利用心理契约理论来研究知识型的员工,已经成为了一种广泛采用且行之有效的方法。心理契约是指契约双方对责任和义务的理解。当组织未能履行实际应履行的责任之时,就会引起员工心理契约的破裂。心理契约破裂会对个体的态度和行为造成负面影响。辅导员作为保证高等教育事业持续健康发展的重要力量,他们的工作投入程度直接影响着高等教育的成效。本研究以心理契约为视角,试图探讨辅导员心理契约破裂状况及其与工作投入的关系,从而为改进高校辅导员的管理工作提出建议。 本研究采用了文献分析法和问卷调查法。在以往研究的基础上,确定了高校辅导员心理契约的维度,编制了辅导员心理契约破裂问卷;运用自编和已有问卷考察了辅导员的心理契约破裂和工作投入;探讨了辅导员心理契约破裂与工作投入的关系。最后,分析了人口学变量对心理契约破裂和工作投入的影响。 经上述研究得出如下结论:第一,辅导员心理契约是一个三维结构:由交易责任、关系责任、发展责任组成;第二,辅导员心理契约破裂总体状况较严重,其中,发展责任破裂最严重,关系责任破裂较轻。第三,辅导员心理契约破裂及其各维度与工作投入有显著的负相关;辅导员心理契约破裂能显著预测工作投入,以辅导员关系责任破裂的影响最显著。第四,辅导员心理契约破裂和工作投入在部分人口学变量上存在显著差异。 本研究立足于辅导员这一群体,编制了心理契约破裂问卷并进行实证研究,这在以往研究中很少有涉及。因此,,本研究扩展了心理契约理论的研究范围。同时,在实践层面,为高校管理者提出了有价值的建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, to study the knowledge by using the theory of psychological contract of employees, has become a widely used and effective method. Psychological contract refers to the contract both sides to understand the responsibility and obligation. When the organization fails to fulfill the responsibility of the actual, will cause the rupture of the psychological contract of employees. Psychological contract breach of the individual's attitude and behavior have a negative impact. Counselors as important forces to ensure sustained and healthy development of higher education, their level of job satisfaction directly affects the effectiveness of higher education. On the basis of psychological contract perspective, attempts to explore their psychological contract rupture status and job involvement, and put forward suggestions for improvement of college counselors the management of work.
This study adopts literature analysis and questionnaire survey. On the basis of previous studies, the College Counselors' psychological contract dimensions, the counselor psychological contract questionnaire; and has been investigated using self-made questionnaire of psychological contract and job counselors investment; discusses the relationship between the counselor psychological contract and job involvement finally, analysis the influence of demographic variables on job involvement and rupture of the psychological contract.
The main conclusions are as follows: first, their psychological contract is a three-dimensional structure: by trading responsibility, responsibility, responsibility for development; second, the counselor psychological contract overall situation is serious, the responsibility for the development of the most serious rupture, rupture of the lighter responsibility. Third, counselor psychological contract and its dimensions and job involvement has a significant negative correlation; counselor psychological contract can significantly predict job involvement, to influence the relationship between Counselors responsibility of the most significant rupture. Fourth, there are significant differences in demography variables on their psychological contract into rupture and work.
This research is based on the instructor of this group, the psychological contract questionnaire and empirical research, this research in the past few involved. Therefore, this study extends the research scope of the theory of psychological contract. At the same time, in practice, the valuable suggestions for college administrators.



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