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发布时间:2018-04-18 14:21

  本文选题:内蒙古高校 + 商业银行 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of the education system, Inner Mongolia has formed a diversified higher education system that combines the public, private and social school-running systems. All universities and colleges have firmly grasped the great opportunities of educational reform and expanded the enrollment scale one after another.With their own characteristics and levels of running a school, the overall level of higher education has been greatly improved, but these need a huge amount of funds to back up, and the main sources of funding for each university are financial allocations and tuition income.These limited investment can not meet the development needs of colleges and universities.Therefore, it is urgent to solve the shortage of funds in colleges and universities.Under the environment of financial reform, the commercial banks in Inner Mongolia can actively change the mechanism and expand their business scope, which can solve the problem of shortage of funds for colleges and universities.The cooperation of bank and school can not only solve the fund bottleneck of the development of colleges and universities, but also promote the banks to open up the market and improve the quality of credit assets.In essence, the change of macroeconomic environment is the external reason for the formation of the cooperation between banks and universities, and the adjustment and internal demand of banks and universities are the internal factors.Based on the premise of the cooperation between banks and schools, this paper collects the relevant information of the cooperation of banks and schools, expounds and analyzes the present situation, existing problems, causes and countermeasures of the cooperation of banks and schools.


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