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发布时间:2018-04-18 19:28

  本文选题:新疆大学生 + 社会责任感 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国改革开放的不断深入,社会结构包括经济结构、政治结构和文化结构都发生了深刻的变革。社会阶层逐渐分化、利益主体逐渐多元化、文化逐渐异质化。这些因素都对当今大学生特别是新疆大学生带来了巨大的冲击。当代大学生是一个非常重要而又特殊的群体,他们肩负着神圣的历史使命,是祖国的未来,也是民族的希望。当今社会,大学生的社会责任感强烈与否,不仅关系到建设中国特色社会主义、全面建设小康社会、振兴中华的历史进程,而且也与大学生自身的发展息息相关。文章通过文献收集法、问卷调查法、统计分析法对当代新疆大学生社会责任感培育进行研究,主要从以下三个方面进行论述。 第一部分,主要阐明了大学生社会责任感的相关概念,并结合现有的研究成果对相关概念加以界定。由相关概念引申出了社会责任感的基本内容和社会责任感的理论依据。同时阐明了加强新疆大学生社会责任感的现实意义。 第二部分,以实地调查问卷的数据为主要依据,分析了当代大学生社会责任感的现状。现状分为积极方面与存在的问题两个主要方面。其中以大学生社会责任感存在的问题为切入点从而引申出大学生社会责任欠缺的成因及分析。分别归纳表现为:个体原因、家庭原因、学校原因与社会原因四个方面。 第三部分,主要阐明了增强新疆大学生社会责任感的对策。对策部分根据大学生社会责任感欠缺的四个主要成因从而提出了解决该问题的四个方面的对策。分别归纳表现为:增强个体责任意识、增强家庭责任意识、增强集体责任意识、增强国家责任意识。从而最终达到大学生社会责任感增强的目的。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, profound changes have taken place in the social structure, including economic structure, political structure and cultural structure.The social stratum gradually divides, the benefit main body gradually multiplies, the culture gradually heterogeneity.These factors have brought great impact to college students, especially Xinjiang college students.Contemporary college students are a very important and special group, they shoulder the sacred historical mission, is the future of the motherland, but also the hope of the nation.In today's society, whether college students have a strong sense of social responsibility is not only related to the historical process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, building a well-off society in an all-round way and rejuvenating China, but also closely related to the development of college students themselves.This paper studies the cultivation of social responsibility of contemporary Xinjiang college students by means of literature collection, questionnaire survey and statistical analysis, mainly from the following three aspects.The first part mainly clarifies the related concepts of college students' social responsibility, and defines the related concepts in combination with the existing research results.The basic content of social responsibility and the theoretical basis of social responsibility are derived from relevant concepts.At the same time, it expounds the practical significance of strengthening the sense of social responsibility of Xinjiang college students.The second part, based on the data of field survey questionnaire, analyzes the present situation of college students' social responsibility.The present situation is divided into two main aspects: positive aspect and existing problem.The causes and analysis of the deficiency of college students' social responsibility are derived from the problems existing in the sense of social responsibility of college students.They are: individual reason, family reason, school reason and social reason.The third part mainly expounds the countermeasures to strengthen the social responsibility of Xinjiang college students.According to the four main causes of college students' lack of social responsibility, the countermeasure part puts forward four countermeasures to solve this problem.They are as follows: strengthen individual responsibility consciousness, strengthen family responsibility consciousness, strengthen collective responsibility consciousness, strengthen national responsibility consciousness.In order to achieve the ultimate goal of enhancing the sense of social responsibility of college students.


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