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发布时间:2018-04-19 15:23

  本文选题:大学生 + 就业难 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:由于当前国内外经济发展的不确定因素的影响,2013年我国大学生就业形势依然严峻,全国普通高校毕业生规模达到699万人,比2012年增加19万人。经济增长率、通货膨胀率和失业率是西方发达国家监测宏观经济运行和进行宏观调控的三个首选指标。最大限度降低失业率、实现充分就业,在政府政策目标中占有非常重要的地位,它直接关系到人民生活水平的高低,国民经济能否稳定健康发展。因此,大学生就业难不仅仅是高等教育问题,从深层次来讲,更是一个严峻的社会问题。 纵观我国高校毕业生就业的变化轨迹可以发现,高校毕业生就业模式终究与我国的经济制度同步,如1950-1988年的完全计划就业模式,1989-2001年的计划与市场相接合的就业模式,2002年到今的市场配置就业模式,逐步走向开放,这是历史的发展必然,是与社会生产和经济、政治体制改革不断相适应的过程。面对全球化的经济格局与环境,政府应重新审视现有大学生就业促进政策的成效,进一步增强促进大学生就业的服务意识与责任意识。在探索与改革中,始终要明确就业政策措施需与经济制度相适应的原则,就业政策措施直接影响着大学生的就业数量与质量,而大学生的就业情况决定着国家经济发展的未来。 综上所述,政府作为公共资源的分配者与管理者,对促进大学生责无旁贷。各级政府不仅要重视与解决大学生就业问题,更要重视由大学生就业问题所引发的一系列的影响和谐社会稳定的各类问题。促进大学生就业,从根本上来说,是促进和谐社会稳定发展的一项重要举措。通过调查与研究,本文归纳了大学生就业困难的主要原因及现阶段政府促进大学生就业的政策及成效,分析了政府促进大学生就业的责任缺失表现,对比了主要发达国家促进大学生就业的政策与措施并指出其共同点,,最终从转变政府职能、完善政策机制、拓宽就业渠道三个方面总结出政府促进大学生就业的责任与构建。论文的完成对政府的决策具有一定的实践指导意义,可提供相关参考。
[Abstract]:Due to the influence of uncertain factors of economic development at home and abroad, the employment situation of college students in China in 2013 is still grim. The scale of college graduates in China has reached 6.99 million, an increase of 190000 compared with 2012.Economic growth rate, inflation rate and unemployment rate are the three first choice indexes for western developed countries to monitor macroeconomic operation and carry out macro-control.It plays an important role in the government policy goal to reduce the unemployment rate and achieve full employment. It is directly related to the living standard of the people and whether the national economy can develop steadily and healthily.Therefore, the difficulty of obtaining employment for college students is not only a problem of higher education, but also a serious social problem.Looking at the changing track of employment of college graduates in our country, we can find that the employment pattern of college graduates is eventually synchronized with the economic system of our country.For example, the completely planned employment model of 1950-1988 and the employment mode of combining the plan with the market in 1989-2001, and the employment pattern of market allocation from 2002 to today, gradually moving towards the opening up, is a historical development inevitable, and is related to social production and economy.The process of adapting the reform of the political system.In the face of the economic structure and environment of globalization, the government should re-examine the effectiveness of the existing employment promotion policy for college students, and further strengthen the service consciousness and responsibility consciousness of promoting the employment of college students.In the course of exploration and reform, we should always make clear the principle that employment policies and measures should be adapted to the economic system. Employment policies and measures directly affect the quantity and quality of college students' employment, and the employment situation of college students determines the future of national economic development.To sum up, the government, as the distributor and manager of public resources, is duty-bound to promote college students.Governments at all levels should not only pay attention to and solve the employment problem of college students, but also pay attention to a series of problems that affect the stability of harmonious society caused by the employment problems of college students.To promote the employment of college students is, fundamentally, an important measure to promote the stable development of a harmonious society.Through investigation and research, this paper summarizes the main reasons of college students' employment difficulties and the current government policies and results of promoting the employment of college students, and analyzes the lack of government responsibility to promote the employment of college students.This paper compares the policies and measures of promoting the employment of college students in the major developed countries and points out their common points. Finally, the responsibility and construction of the government to promote the employment of college students are summed up from three aspects: transforming the government functions, perfecting the policy mechanism and widening the employment channels.The completion of the paper has some practical significance for government decision-making, and can provide relevant reference.


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